#include Servo servothumb; // Define thumb servo Servo servoindex; // Define index servo Servo servomajeure; Servo servoringfinger; Servo servopinky; Servo servowrist; Servo servobiceps; Servo servoshoulder; Servo servoomoplat; void setup() { servothumb.attach(2); // Set thumb servo to digital pin 2 servoindex.attach(3); // Set index servo to digital pin 3 servomajeure.attach(4); servoringfinger.attach(5); servopinky.attach(6); servowrist.attach(7); servobiceps.attach(8); servoshoulder.attach(9); servoomoplat.attach(10); } void loop() { // Loop through motion tests allopen(); // Example: allopen delay(4000); // Wait 4000 milliseconds (4 seconds) handclose(); delay(4000); allopen(); delay(2000); shoulderalone(); delay(1000); } // Motion routines for handopen, handclose, victory... void allopen() { servothumb.write(0); servoindex.write(0); servomajeure.write(0); servoringfinger.write(0); servopinky.write(0); servowrist.write(0); servobiceps.write(0); //Never more then (90 degree) servoshoulder.write(110); //Never more then (130 degree) servoomoplat.write(0); } void handclose() { servothumb.write(180); servoindex.write(180); servomajeure.write(180); servoringfinger.write(180); servopinky.write(180); servowrist.write(180); servobiceps.write(85); //Never more then (90 degree) servoshoulder.write(90); //Never more then (130 degree) servoomoplat.write(180); } void shoulderalone() { servothumb.write(0); servoindex.write(0); servomajeure.write(0); servoringfinger.write(0); servopinky.write(0); servowrist.write(90); servobiceps.write(85); //Never more then (90 degree) servoshoulder.write(130); //Never more then (130 degree) servoomoplat.write(0); }