• Gael Langevin posted an update 9 years, 3 months ago

    Bob Houston is having problems posting on the community activity, therefor he requested I would do it for him. If you also encounter problems which don’t allow you to post pictures or videos, let us know on the forum, we will try to figure the problem.
    Bob has remixed a new eye mechanism which is pretty cool! It is designed to be used with EZ servos and EZ camera, but certainly could be remixed to fit standard servos and the HerculesHD camera. Maybe an adjuster between the eyes could be added to avoid the cross eye effect, but the movement is far better than my mechanism.
    He has also remixed the pistons of the Top Stomach to increase speed, as shown in the above video.
    You can find the parts on Thingiverse or the derivative collection.

    • @ Bob Houston,

      This looks awesome dude, great work and a cool upgrade to the InMoov !

      I can’t wait to see some more video’s with the Eye tracking options 🙂

    • bonjour tout le monde!
      est ce que bob Houston pourrait faire partager a la communauté inmoov les plans et les fichiers stl de son châssis et la colonne sur roue qu’on voit sur la vidéo youtube?
      merci d’avance