• Jan posted an update 9 years, 2 months ago


    Again a few weeks ago my son Wouter and I demonstrated our first attempt to drive out robot around on an OxBoard. In the mean time we’ve optimised some parts and changed the script so both servo’s are now controlled with one joystick (the left one).
    import time

    # declare var…[Read more]

    • Awesome!!!
      This is getting serious!
      I have sent you an email with the part you need for the hips!
      I think it’s great to see how the feet are moving up and down using the same servo system than form the arm pistons.
      I think you will need more than one accelerometer to counter act as body equilibrium.
      Awesome video!

  • Jan posted a new activity comment 9 years, 3 months ago

    We’ve already bought an Heading hold gyroscope (as used on model helicopters etc.) and will experiment with it trying to find balance. But I agree, it will probably be difficult to achieve.
    We also want to control both servos with one joystick. I saw already some sample-scripts, so that’s more likely to succeed.
    We will keep you informed.

  • Jan posted an update 9 years, 3 months ago

    And here the video again (First post seems not work on InMoov site)

    • Awesome! Nice progress!
      After testing myself the Oxboard in my workshop, I am amazed how human body can adapt itself to an unbalanced engine in such a short time. By the way thank you for sending it to my workshop!
      I am wondering how InMoov is going to balance itself on that engine though. It seems even more complex when having the robot standing…[Read more]

      • We’ve already bought an Heading hold gyroscope (as used on model helicopters etc.) and will experiment with it trying to find balance. But I agree, it will probably be difficult to achieve.
        We also want to control both servos with one joystick. I saw already some sample-scripts, so that’s more likely to succeed.
        We will keep you informed.

  • Jan posted an update 9 years, 3 months ago

    A few weeks ago my son Wouter and I showed you are planning to let InMoov drive around on an OxBoard. It seems to work out pretty well!
    1. First we constructed “nice, skinny legs” from pipes and Key Clamps. (See picture 1 below)
    Only the ankles are moving forwards and backwards using two servos with pistons. (See picture 2). The actual pos…[Read more]

  • Jan posted a new activity comment 9 years, 4 months ago

    Hi Marten,

    Thanks for you welcome.
    Perhaps I will try to get in contact with the makers from the Oxboard, but for now we continue to finish our idea. We will keep you informed.

    M.vr.gr. Jan

  • Jan posted an update 9 years, 4 months ago

    Hi there Colleague InMoov-builders, this is our first post in this forum.

    My son Wouter and I started to build our InMoov last winter and below you can see how far we have come. We have our now busy finishing the lower stomach part. (see picture below)

    From the Blog we know Gael is very determent to let InMoov walk on its own two feet. That…[Read more]

    • Hello Wouter and Jan,

      Welcome to this InMoov Community 🙂

      I hope your idea will work without any problems.
      I’m a little bit afraid about this, because InMoov is hard Fixt to the Oxboard.
      This makes it more complex to find a good (mechanical) solution, to control the Oxboard.
      I hope there is a option to get in contact with the makers from the…[Read more]

    • Hi Marten,

      Thanks for you welcome.
      Perhaps I will try to get in contact with the makers from the Oxboard, but for now we continue to finish our idea. We will keep you informed.

      M.vr.gr. Jan

    • Hi jan, could you send me back a message, I can’t find back the trace of our conversation, that is why you didn’t hear from me anymore…