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andrew posted an update 7 years, 4 months ago
@admin Hi, are going to attend in New York maker faire in 23 and 24 September? I would like to know. Thank you. Have nice day everyone.
Hello, Thanks for your concern. Unfortunately, I wasn’t requested for the MF New York this year. If you plan to set a booth with your InMoov, you can set yourself on tha calendar.
Have a great time!
andrew posted an update 8 years, 3 months ago
can fix chest and back files i need download. thank you
andrew posted a new activity comment 8 years, 3 months ago
hi thanks i have a question about the adriano what is better what he have on his finger starter or new what they sell i not see much anymore what he have
Dude, you already asked the same question 2 days… Perry and Bob have answered you. Just buy one or a couple and be done. No need to be so paranoid about where you buy as even the eBay Chinese copies work fine….
hi i wanted the same adruino like the Gael Langevin but i cant find some one knows where can i find if you dont know than please give a link or somthing for very good and cheap adruino . And i wanted ask abot the where can i buy the same servos what he use or give ling too for very good and cheap i dont like made in china but may I will buy. thank…[Read more]
You can get Arduino’s at Amazon or Adafruit. There are literally tons of places in the US to get them. As I said below, just Google these. Hobby King is a good place to look for servos
and Perry
Thank you Bob Houston
hi may some one give more information i want the best bu not expensive too i wanted the same like he have but may i will not find
i am located at United States in New York, Long island , Levittown
Hi I don’t know where you are located so I do nt know the best place for you to buy parts. Gael has a bom section that list the parts. Just search for them. I use Google in the United States.
Here’s one place you can get everything you need for the electronics for InMoov.
thank you left arm what parts i need print with left or wothou Word left. there is the same words but there is some two the same parts one is with left on is without. please help.
Print these parts for the Right hand and Forearm;
InMoov body parts library :
Print these parts for the Left Hand and Forearm;
hi i cant get both hand stl its can find can someone help me
Go to the Hand Forearm page under “Build yours” and click on the Left Hand -View Tab
Or look in the Galery tab for the InMoov LIBRARY of STL: