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Sebastien posted an update 9 years ago
Airwin InMoov driven with a wireless PS2 gamepad
I like your drive system. Can you share some details about the components you used to build it – motors, servos?
Thank you Bob, this InMoov plateform is widely inspired from the one Gael made. My components are coming from old broken stuff to make it low cost as it is a temporary solution waiting for legs :-).
The arduino uno that manage the inmoov neopixel ring is now also used to read commands coming from a wireless PS2 Gamepad ( thanks to Bill Porter…[Read more]
i like your choice color in your inmoov!!!
Thank You 🙂
Awesome, now we can go racing!! Thanks for all the links. I am still using a huge Transmitter gracefully given by Alessandro during the Paris Makerfaire, but I really want to build something much smaller which could transmit directly to the receiver. Having two functionality for the mobile plateform is super handy when you travel with…[Read more]
Sebastien and Gael, Thanks for sharing the details on your bases. They are very simple and efficient. How much weight can the base carry/move around. Gael, yes, EZ Robot can do the voice controls as well. I can run my drive motors with Voice command, or manually on the computer or mobile app. I’m looking at building a lighter base like this but…[Read more]
@Bob, I replied to your questions on the thread in which I posted the video with the base.
Sebastien posted an update 9 years, 1 month ago
Hello, Just to share with you the very first wheel spin of Airwin this night. I hope the small motor coming from an old electric Kids Toy will not soon burn.
Ehi!!! There is something of a Déjà Vu. Using a golf caddie is a very good option! Is it sturdy enough? I am pretty sure your motors will do the job, InMoov is a light fellow!
Gaël, yes it’s widely inspired from what you do 🙂 . (i first write Wildly Inspired 🙂 Sure “light is right” This Golf caddie is in aluminium so it is really sturdy, don’t know how many clubs it can support but one InMoov seems ok.
Hey cool! We should make a new link in the “Build Yours” for the 3D printed wheel system. I have almost all the parts designed and ready to upload.
Looks great nice work!
Thank you.
Oh yes, wonderfull a full 3D printed wheel !!! better than looking for old golf caddie :-).
Nice looking base. How does it work? Do you have a video of it moving around?
Hi Bob, i just post a small video
Sebastien posted an update 9 years, 3 months ago
Yeah, MyRobotLab the InMoov brain sowtware is also on the Shoulders covers, pretty nice tatoo 🙂
looks good! i’m printing them to put on kim
Thanks, You are going to print the new release with bigger letters. Please send a picture of Kim with his shoulder cover 🙂 I called my InMoov Airwin
Yes the bigger letters make it easier to see them!
The new version has bigger letters indeed and filet around the edge.
Sebastien uploaded a new picture: inmoov-doigt-3dprin… 9 years, 4 months ago
Finger Starter, the very first things i 3D print. A really good starting point on the InNoov project and robotics. If you can do a Finger you can print a Robot :-). Nails are paint by my daughter Servo base is in PLA and the finger in ABS
Finger Starter
Haha, It’s good that you say that the nails where painted by your daughter 🙂
For a first print it looks very well printed. Have fun with it.
(I see you have placed a link in your message, is the link bug fixt ?)
Hello Marten, haha i’m going to open the first french manucure for robots :-), most seriously i think to use this to easily detect the finger position using color detection in the pictures I have a flash forge creator : it produce very good print at the begining, but after 50 hours, the 3mm aluminum plate start curving, even with a glass plate…[Read more]
Sebastien posted an update 9 years, 4 months ago
Stomach in progress this week, ouch the most difficult is to paint the finger in black 🙂
Cool after working on the website , a bit of fun 3D printing! was there the script in my database for the NeoPixel ring, I can’t remember if I have uploaded it on the site? If not let me know and I will.
Hi Gaël, yes my 3d printer feel a bit alone these last weeks :-). I restart printing for finish InMoov asap I use the arduino script you post here
NeoPixel ring : arduino code for stomach
, it works perfecly. thanks (Just need to install the adafruit library) I don’t check if MyRobotLab already have added the NeoPixelRing service ?
Good! Well, no the NeoPixel Ring is not yet implemented in MRL. It actually means, it needs to run on a seperate Arduino dedicated only for that function.
hello what is the model for the stomach NeoPixel Ring it’s 12, 16 or 24 led?
Martin, It’s the 16 led ring ref. Adafruit Flora Neopixel Ring 1463
Sebastien posted an update 9 years, 6 months ago
Hello, Is somebody try voices for inmoov comming from Voxygen French cie ?
Yes, on like the bicool voice 😉
Sebastien uploaded a new picture: inmoov-introspectio… 9 years, 6 months ago
Sebastien posted an update 9 years, 7 months ago
>Airwin first video…
Airwin InMoov robot first video
Great! I always enjoy videos, specially when they are comic! By the way great progress Quai-Lab
arjun m posted an update 9 years, 9 months ago
I have started building the Inmoov robot, finished almost of full left hand , chest, head ,eyes . >
hi,congratulations for your work 😉
Thank you silvester 🙂
Nice work, we are glad to see you around, you are from Dubai, correct? Did you finally get to set yourself on the InMoov builders map
Thank you Gael . Yes i am from Dubai. I tried to add in map , and it was showing error , so i couldn’t add myself , can you help me to add in map ?
try to add yourself on the map again, It should probably work now
Hai everyone ,
Thanks gael for the creating the account for me.
arjun >
You are welcome.