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Carlos Alquezar posted an update 10 years, 9 months ago
Here is the latest (and tested) version of the script to control InMoov arm using Muscle Sensor V3 from Advancer Technologies:
//Script to control InMoov Arm using Muscle Sensor V3 from Advancer Technologies //by Carlos Alquezar ( //Zaragoza (Spain) //February 2014 //Part of Roujin Project (website available soon)
//For information about Muscle Sensor V3 board, manual and other resouces, please visit: //
/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * */
#include <Servo.h>
#define THRESHOLD 150 //In order to determine the state of the hand (opened/closed) #define EMGPIN 3 //Analog pin connected to Muscle Sensor V3 Board #define LITTLEPIN 3 //Digital pin used by Little servo #define RINGPIN 5 //Digital pin used by Ring servo #define MIDDLEPIN 6 //Digital pin used by Middle servo #define INDEXPIN 9 //Digital pin used by Index servo #define THUMBPIN 10 //Digital pin used by Thumb servo
//Constants used to open and close the fingers #define LITTLE 1 #define RING 2 #define MIDDLE 3 #define INDEX 4 #define THUMB 5
Servo servoLittleFinger; // Define servo fingers Servo servoRingFinger; // Define servo fingers Servo servoMiddleFinger; // Define servo fingers Servo servoIndexFinger; // Define servo fingers Servo servoThumbFinger; // Define servo fingers
int finger;
// Motion routines for handopen and handclose void openhand(){for(finger = 1; finger < 6; finger++){openFinger(finger);}} void closehand(){for(finger = 1; finger < 6 ; finger++){closeFinger(finger);}}
// You have to rewrite properly the functions to open and close the fingers // according of your assembly // In my case, middle and index fingers are opened when servo is at 170 degrees and the others when servo is at 0 degrees // I have used Towardpro MG996R servos
void openFinger(int finger){ if(finger==LITTLE){servoLittleFinger.write(0);} // Little finger else if(finger==RING){servoRingFinger.write(170);}// Ring finger else if(finger==MIDDLE){servoMiddleFinger.write(170);}// Middle finger else if(finger==INDEX){servoIndexFinger.write(170);}// Index finger else if(finger==THUMB){servoThumbFinger.write(0);}//Thumb finger }
void closeFinger(int finger){ if(finger==LITTLE){servoLittleFinger.write(170);} // Little finger else if(finger==RING){servoRingFinger.write(0);}// Ring finger else if(finger==MIDDLE){servoMiddleFinger.write(0);}// Middle finger else if(finger==INDEX){servoIndexFinger.write(0);}// Index finger else if(finger==THUMB){servoThumbFinger.write(170);}//Thumb finger }
void setup(){ Serial.begin(115200); //BAUDRATE set to 115200, remember it to set monitor serial properly (used this BaudRate and “NL&CR” option to visualize the values correctly)
servoLittleFinger.attach(LITTLEPIN); // Set Little finger servo to digital pin 3 servoRingFinger.attach(RINGPIN); // Set Ring finger servo to digital pin 5 servoMiddleFinger.attach(MIDDLEPIN); // Set Middle finger servo to digital pin 6 servoIndexFinger.attach(INDEXPIN); // Set Index finger servo to digital pin 9 servoThumbFinger.attach(THUMBPIN); // Set Thumb finger servo to digital pin 10
}//end setup
void loop() {// Nothing to do here, all is done in the interrupt function
int value = analogRead(EMGPIN); //Sampling analog signal if(value>THRESHOLD) //If the value of the sample is greater than THRESHOLD means that the hand has been closed {closehand();} else //Otherwise the hand is open {openhand();} Serial.println(value); //You can use serial monitor to set THRESHOLD properly, comparing the values shown when you open and close your hand }
Great work