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Solas Jansen posted an update 5 years, 9 months ago
My printer is calibrated near-perfectly (within 0.01mm) but when i print the neck pistons, they do not thread at all. What am I doing wrong? Slicer settings?
Je vous remercie, Solas
When I have printed them in the past I still had to do a bit of sanding to make it work smoothly. Also, you can just thread them by hand and it seems to eventually smooth out the rough edges that may be causing it to stick.
Thank you for the reply. I tried that without results. What were your slicer settings for the pistons? Im using an extruder width of .400 (to match my nozzle) and a layer hight of .120 (multiple of the above .4). if i print with less than 3 vertical walls, its too brittle and breaks apart easily, while it does fit.