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Markus posted an update 9 years ago
Looking awesome now with the new back.
Looks great Markus, where did you get the battery cover panel from?
Hi! I printed a 2 mm thick and used a hot airgun to shape it.
Good idea, I need to do the same thing for where the computer goes, as I’m not putting a computer on my InMoov at this time. Maybe some one out there can make a filler plate for this space.
Did you do the same thing for the covers you have on the back of the Biceps?
No I found those on thingiverse
Looks great Markus, where did you get the battery cover panel from?
I printed a 2 mm thick and used a hot airgun to shape it.
Good idea, I need to do the same thing for where the computer goes, as I’m not putting a computer on my InMoov at this time. Maybe some one out there can make a filler plate for this space.
Did you do the same thing for the covers you have on the back of the Biceps?
No I found those on thingiverse