• SirAraujo posted an update 8 years, 3 months ago

    Hi, i am jose Angel Merino in i live in a Little village in spain called Jaca….in the middle of the pirinees mountains. I am the owner of DRONAMEDIDA.COM, a Company that build big rpa´s(drones) and other robotics platforms. i also work in the spanish robotics fórum BIPEDOLANDIA.COM. i have a robonova, Microsoft rbobuilder 1st. gen., robosapiens, robotics arms, etc… . I build the head of the inmoov in one week with special smartfill high resolution abs filament in a usa flashforge creator 3d printer. i put in the code of 3d printer decimals and centesimals for more precisión and resolution, calibrate the ma of the step by step motors , and adjust other different settings. i also put inside of the head of inmoov a strip leds for arduino( W2812B).

    • Hello Jose and welcome. Thanks for these information.
      Do you have a picture of the head done with smatfill high resolution ABS with code decimals and centesimals? I would like to see the quality it gives once assembled.

      • Hello, to say to you that I am the president of an association of drones, robotics and engineering, and we work also with 3d printers having come to a great point of perfection. We work with prusas i3, flashforge creator, ultimaker, makerbot replicator, etc. It is the most important in all our printers to calibrate at least the filament in the code with decimal and centesimal, and to calibrate the ma of the engines step by step of the printer with the corresponding algorithm …. later a good filament … smartfill is the one that mas I like, but Gael’s filaments are very good also. When it returns to my house I order you a few photos in hd, while….