Karthos posted an update 6 years ago
Just started printing all the parts and trying to source some servos
Active 4 years, 7 months ago
So is there any estimate on how many complete/incomplete inmoovs there are in the world? seems like there are about 20 or so completed with videos on them and at least a few hundred being worked on that I can find documentation on so there are probably about 3-5K worldwide I am estimating? I am wondering how many nervos have been purchased. View
Hi Karthos.. please feel free to post your findings on the servos. and which ones you are using?
Hello, I got 5 of the HS-805BB for the lower stomach, head and possibly clavi part of shoulder. I have been finding some modified sleeves online to use smaller MG996r for something possibly. I noticed some people are using them for shoulder but I am still undecided. I got the chest and back plates assembled but havnt meshed them I also got most of the head done, I am going to post photos when I figure out how/where to do that.
Very good. I’ve also found in the writings this.:
1 x HK15298 or MG996r servo motors SO it appears for most parts you can subsitute an HK15298 with a MG996r .. Good to know