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Alessandruino posted an update 10 years, 11 months ago
New white face for inmoov 🙂 Parts printed and assembled so far…
Very good! May I suggest coloring in black, blue , green or brown the ring that goes in the eye globe? Wider the iris will be, the less strange he will look 🙂 It ‘s good you decided to reprint the face in white.
Ya.. I will 🙂 i think black… 🙂 look at new 4pid tracking video i made with inmoov 🙂 it is short but spooky 🙂
Yeah! Super I google it for other members
PID values need tweaking.. And i made the video with your default limit (not best values for my reversed build )
My values are restrained because the mecanism hits the side of the head. As you know you have a better versio of the mecanism and head then me. I use previous versions with little design problems…