
The prints shown are of the "Right Shoulder". For the Right Shoulder parts, I used Translucent Blue ABS. For the ClavibackV2 and ClavifrontV2 parts, I used Skin PLA. All 3D printing is done on my FlashForge Creator Pro.
Total ABS hours: 23hrs 11min
Total ABS filament: 121675.1mm (121.7m)
Total ABS weight (G): 365.83
Total ABS weight (lb): 0.82
Total ABS Cost: $16.82

Total PLA hours: 3hrs 29min
Total PLA filemant: 22224.1mm (22.2m)
Total PLA weight (G): 66.82
Total PLA weight (lb): 0.15
Total PLA Cost: $3.08