• Steve Rayner posted an update 6 years, 8 months ago

    Here is my latest video. This time I’m looking at the rotational wrist. Please leave comments.

    • Hay Steve ,,, Nice Vid and really nice Grey finish on the Wrist -,,
      Using the “Scale” setting in the Slicer is very handy to fine tune some parts- especially Gears- a 1% or even Half a Percent Reduction in size can save a lot of headaches,,,
      Anyway ,,, good to see your documenting your building process —

      • Hey Mindless, thanks for comment. I will try reducing the gears very slightly when I do the right wrist. Everyone loves the grey, but it is actually only the primer. I’m intending to paint that part black. Got me rethinking though…

        • Hey Steve,,, I thought it might have been the Primer,,, you got a really nice finish on it (show room quality ) and some do like the grey—personally a like a flat or low sheen Colours – black hides a lot of the details which is not a good thing I reckon ( but then again it can be),,, Black really does suit the overall look of Inmoov there’s just something about the Black&White the really make him stand out ,,,so like everything t has good and bad points–,,,