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Steve Rayner posted an update 5 years, 4 months ago
The hardware map indicates we use Arduino pins 22, 24, 27, 28 & 29. However these do not appear to me PWM pins on the Arduino Mega. How does this work?
Hello Steve,
There is a difference between PMW which is used to control a dc motor speed (H-bridge), or a PWM used for servo’s.
The PWM for controlling the speed for a dc motor, or intensity for a LED, is at some pins hardware-based (internal circuit/timer, to sending a PWM with a fixt frequency in the background.) These pins are the pins where you are talking about 🙂
For servo’s, we can use any output pins (not all pins can be configured as a output) See here for more info:
Regards, Marten
Thanks Marten. I’ve been using Arduino for a few years and I didn’t know that.