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John posted a new activity comment 4 years, 2 months ago
Hi Gael… Would you be able to send me the STL’s for the new fingers using the hallsensors and some instructions on how and where to install the sensor and magnet?
John posted an update 4 years, 2 months ago
Does anyone have any instructions on mounting the Hall Sensors and magnets in the fingers and thumb? Also does the current .stl support the sensor and magnet, or is there new .stl I can download? Thanks for anyones help.
Hi there as I understood it Gael designed a new hand for the hallsensors, but it has not yet been uploaded to the website for download. I have the same problem that I cannot process the hall sensors. I do not know whether the current fingertips can be used for the hall sensors. greetings norbert
I too await instructions on this as hall sensors need 3 wires (+/- and sensor pins)