• drjohns2000 posted a new activity comment 4 years, 7 months ago

    Seemed to make sense to build a structure to support the arm I built. I figure I’ll get the torso done, the right shoulder, then the head. At least then I’ll be able to play with a one armed robot while I build the last arm and shoulder.

  • So far have the right forearm finished. Printing the Stomach and torso next before I build the shoulder and left arm.

    • Awesome, good idea. I’m trying to decide where to go once I finish up the last few pieces on the right forearm I’m working on

      • Seemed to make sense to build a structure to support the arm I built. I figure I’ll get the torso done, the right shoulder, then the head. At least then I’ll be able to play with a one armed robot while I build the last arm and shoulder.