• Alan Timm posted an update 9 years ago

    This is InMoov implemented in ROS URDF. This is the first step before you can integrate him with other tools, like Gazebo simulation or MoveIt! inverse kinematics and pathing. There’s alot of work left to do, but it’s coming along nicely.

    • Hi Alan
      Looks great, congrats!
      Are you using combined stl’s for the movable parts? I had startet to build them but it’s a lot of work and so far it’s by far not finished.
      Played around with kinetics (did you see my “look at hand”) but my math background it rather week and I am not really able to follow e.g. the stanford university lessons with kinematics. So I am trying now to fill the gaps using KhanAcademy.
      Just had a glimpse now at URDF – will need some time to study it.

      • Hey juerg,

        I do remember seeing that video, it was really impressive. One of the reasons that I’m moving over to ROS is for the inverse kinematics packages that are already there, like MoveIt.

        It took me most of last weekend, but I was able to combine all of the stls that I needed to, reset the origins in MeshLab, then used robot_editor to iteratively hand-code the URDF. After that I reorganized it with xacro macros. It only needs nodes and simplified collision meshes and then it’ll be done.

        This weekend I’m going to try to adapt the ROS dynamixel control framework for my microcontroller implementation. The whole thing’s written in Python, so the work should go quickly.

