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Alan Timm posted a new activity comment 8 years, 1 month ago
Hey juerg,
I haven’t moved everything to ROS Kinetic yet, but I’ll keep an eye out for the issues you’ve shared.
Unfortunately, the glue code in the ROS stack that I’ve published will only work with my robot, but it is a great starting point to integrate ROS into your bot.
You should be able to run the urdf model in rviz, then write python…[Read more]
Alan Timm posted a new activity comment 8 years, 2 months ago
Yep, I have a new SSD with Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and ROS Kinetic waiting for MoveIt to be released. They’re very close to their first release. Until then, you will have some time to familiarize yourself with the core ROS concepts, go through the tutorials, and control the urdf model in rviz.
If you haven’t found it already, Jason has published his…[Read more]
Hi Allen Spent some time to try to make inmoov run with kinetic . Found a few issues with scripts (renamed .py file, missing include vector, boost shortcomings but was finally able to run As I run unbunto on my PC in a VirtualBox I assume it is correct that the servobus.launch complains about missing ports. trying to run rviz…[Read more]
Hey Juerg, Firstly, follow all the tutorials to install and set up ROS. Then, you should be able to follow the from here:
After you get everything set up, you’ll most likely want to run the urdf model in rviz, using this command: roslaunch inmoov_description display.launch…[Read more]
Thanks Alan Started the beginners tutorial and had a look at your linked tuto. As I just recently installed ROS I got the kinetic version. Looks like I have to wait for a fitting Moveit version. But as the package looks rather big and complex I will anyway need to work myself through all the tutorials first.
Alan Timm posted a new activity comment 8 years, 3 months ago
Hey Richard, thanks!
Each toolkit has it’s own benefits. There’s a nice community built up around InMoov+MRL, so it’s a great way to get started without writing everything from scratch. Another R.S.S.C. club member is building an InMoov using EzRobot, and I think there are some others on the forum as well.
I went with ROS because I wanted to…[Read more]
That’s awesome Alan… Thanks
Quick and simple demo of full body animation using a wireless x-y pendant. Lots of changes and stuff to share. I’ll refilm it later on this week when I have the next set of changes complete (with less noise and a clean desk)
rviz running in background displaying robot state. The basic animation is there, still have a fair bit of tuning to get…[Read more]
Looks great. This is a good inspiration
Alan Timm posted an update 8 years, 3 months ago
Fantastic Alan… Best realistic movements so far, hands down!… I am working on a new inMoov which I am also planning some sophisticated movement management…
Did you create your own custom ROS package for this? I still use ez robot but would love to move up to ROS as it looks like much more can be done with ROS than either ez robot or MyRobotLab… I dabbled with ROS a while back so maybe it’s about time I have another look…
Great work, superb work full of fluidity,. Gestures follow like water in a river. Friendly Sy.
Looks great!
A very late comment to your great work using ROS in conjonction with InMoov. I had shared your great video on my Google+ page right after you posted it. Thanks for your video, I really enjoyed looking at InMoov moving so gracefully.
Hi Alan Just made first steps with ROS and found the github-links. So I have and Can you point me to a tuto where to place the files and probably even make it run?
Nice work Alan,
Any idea when you will be releasing the demo? I’d love to try it out
I hadn’t seen this, but there’s a guy out there by the name of Clement Vella who has also worked out a solution using FSRs, not sure if they’re hand made or not, but he a sensor for each direction of force and integrated it into the pulley.
His video also confirms one of my questions, that maybe applying PID to the control code may work better…[Read more]
Alan Timm posted a new activity comment 8 years, 4 months ago
Hey Gael, Thanks!
These FSRs are the exact same ones that many people are using for autolevelling 3d printers, I haven’t heard of them breaking under similar use. Here’s the exact ones that I’m using.
Because of their placement next to the servo housing they end up being very sensitive relative to the…[Read more]
Thanks for the extra pictures, it gives a good idea about the process! What is nice with this setup, is that it avoids having cables running within the fingers. (Which is not easy to work with); The servo bed would need a bit of modfication, but all together, it’s not so much work and it could even be applied to forarms that have already been…[Read more]
right, big thing, no need to take too much apart. My question however is unanswered – I assume the finger tester code reads back the status of the FSR and repositions the finger? This will need 5 more cables from the forearm to the arduino and a modified finger service to take this into account? Or am I (once more) wrong again? Tell me I am…[Read more]
The Nervo board can handle the sensors. In my tutorial I explain how to set an extra ribbon dedicated to the sensors. Inded the service will need to be adapted which I have been waiting for ever since I have added the sensors in the fingers. 🙂 Time to take that in a serious matter!
Right, your finger sensor has been in place for a long time but it just looked too fragile to me to build it into the hand. And as you say it never got respected in the servo service?
Hey Anthony, I think Joel did it will hall effect sensors, he’s already integrated it with the hand. . It shouldn’t be too hard to modify the servo bed model to apply it to the entire hand. A friend of mine is also experimenting with velostat as a pressure sensor. Might be an even cheaper way to…[Read more]
Proof-of-concept for adding force control/feedback to Servos using the InMoov Finger Starter.
Modified the kit to accept an FSR. The servo is modified and mounted that it can slide a bit in the direction of force. As the finger tightens, it forces the servo case against the FSR, which is then read. Basic force control written in Arduino as proof…[Read more]
Hi !! Great news. I was working on something like this , maybe you use the same components ( hall effect ) : . But I never find time to impletent it
Hey Anthony, I think Joel did it will hall effect sensors, he’s already integrated it with the hand. . It shouldn’t be too hard to modify the servo bed model to apply it to the entire hand. A friend of mine is also experimenting with velostat as a pressure sensor. Might be an even cheaper way to get…[Read more]
Alan Timm posted an update 8 years, 4 months ago
simply fantastic! Looks very responsive. Will you share more details about it and the code to run it? As you say it’s controlled by the arduino some more cables to route to the hand or are you thinking about a separate nano controlling each hand?
Great project Alan!! As mentionned Joel had done a great research on the hall effect sensors. The FSR are not very responsive unless pressure is applied. How did you manage to fix the two kapton copper wiring? Won’t they brake/tear after long term running?
Alan Timm posted an update 8 years, 6 months ago
Quick video showing ROS Kinect2 integration with InMoov.
Alan Timm posted a new activity comment 8 years, 8 months ago
I do remember seeing that video, it was really impressive. One of the reasons that I’m moving over to ROS is for the inverse kinematics packages that are already there, like MoveIt.
It took me most of last weekend, but I was able to combine all of the stls that I needed to, reset the origins in MeshLab, then used robot_editor to…[Read more]
Alan Timm posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago
This is InMoov implemented in ROS URDF. This is the first step before you can integrate him with other tools, like Gazebo simulation or MoveIt! inverse kinematics and pathing. There’s alot of work left to do, but it’s coming along nicely.
Hi Alan Looks great, congrats! Are you using combined stl’s for the movable parts? I had startet to build them but it’s a lot of work and so far it’s by far not finished. Played around with kinetics (did you see my “look at hand”) but my math background it rather week and I am not really able to follow e.g. the stanford university lessons with…[Read more]
Alan Timm posted a new activity comment 8 years, 10 months ago
Ya know, it\’s an interesting question, and I don\’t know what shear point is for the 2.5mm machine screw used. But in all cases where I\’ve broken something, the plastic snaps well before the screw does. I\’ve never had a problem with the servo horn set screw.
Not just the screw but the little thickness of the plastic horn under the head of the screw also.
Until now, 3 years of demos, I didn’t see issues with the horn part at screw level. Because I printed my parts in ABS with a 3 shell perimeter I never broke any of my bicep parts besides the early pistons which had a smaller diameter. So I’m guessing this beefier remix is ready for combat! 🙂
Alan Timm posted an update 8 years, 10 months ago
My Strong Shoulder Remix is done, and the files are uploaded to thingiverse here. I’m giving a similar treatment to the bicep subassembly, which will be posted either today or tomorrow.
[Read more]
Sorry but can you point out where you remix? i saw it’s the same with origin one?
Nice beefier parts Alan. You sure have a nice software to present the models. 🙂
A few more tweaks to my bicep remix, the parts are going on the printer today. This remix beefs up the bicep frames to 10mm.
Has anyone considered how much weight is being carried by the tiny little screw down the centre of the servo drive shaft that holds the horn onto the shaft? How big is on those servos, 1.5-2mm, 3 maybe?
Ya know, it’s an interesting question, and I don’t know what shear point is for the 2.5mm machine screw used. But in all cases where I’ve broken something, the plastic snaps well before the screw does. I’ve never had a problem with the servo horn set screw.