JP posted a new activity comment 8 years ago
I have fixed the small gap in the forehead.
It was easy with the heat gun en some CA glue.
Now the attention wont be drawn to the shadow in the for head as much -
JP posted an update 8 years ago
JP posted a new activity comment 8 years ago
Thanks Guy\’s
I think I am going to attack it with a heat-gun and slowly heat up some parts and see if I can bend some parts a bit in to shape.
To be honest I don\’t really like a smooth baby bottom head
Getting the gaps closer together is enough for me.
I will post some pictures when it done.-
Funny you should say that,,, I’m not a fan of putty’s and paints either on my 3d printed stuff,,, my father was a panel beater back when car where made of Metal and I’ve done Moulding/ Home Renovation work before so I got pretty knowledge of putty’s / Fillers and Plaster,,,, Got a top of line heat Gun to fix parts that are warp are need a little…[Read more]
JP posted an update 8 years ago
After a long long time I have restarted my inmoov.
I had some alignment issues with the PLA parts but i re-calibrated every thing and now I can restart this winter project again.The only thing I have’nt figured out is how to get rid of the big gaps in the head en the chest plates.
Maybe al need to glue them together.
My pistons are making a loud…[Read more]-
at least for the head you might find alternate parts that help to reduce the gaps. you can also try to fill the gaps with filler, 3d filament pistols or use a dremel filled with short filament pieces and do something like smoldering the pieces together. be prepaired to do a lot of sanding to get a good result
When It comes to using fillers/putty’s- there’s basically 4 types- stuff you use for -plaster board- in home building /renovation work– and there’s -Model putty- and there’s also the type for auto repairs with fibreglass reinforcement and a version without fibreglass reinforcement – and there’s Plaster Of Paris and Moulding Types
The Plaster boa…[
Thanks Guy’s
I think I am going to attack it with a heat-gun and slowly heat up some parts and see if I can bend some parts a bit in to shape.
To be honest I don’t really like a smooth baby bottom head
Getting the gaps closer together is enough for me.
I will post some pictures when it done.-
Funny you should say that,,, I’m not a fan of putty’s and paints either on my 3d printed stuff,,, my father was a panel beater back when car where made of Metal and I’ve done Moulding/ Home Renovation work before so I got pretty knowledge of putty’s / Fillers and Plaster,,,, Got a top of line heat Gun to fix parts that are warp are need a little…[Read more]
JP posted a new activity comment 11 years ago
JP posted a new activity comment 11 years ago
I have the exact same box at home.
Its very useful to have.and it\’s cheap.
most springs are expensive if you buy just 20. -
JP posted a new activity comment 11 years ago
With the help of Gael and some others I got MyRobotLab working.
This makes it look alive!!!!!!!!
JP posted an update 11 years ago
JP posted a new activity comment 11 years ago
Nice, What kind of wire did you use?
It is not the derivative :
that you used for the pulleys?-
No. It’s your pulleys, with a modification inspired by the derivative 233923 : no need print again pulleys, just drill and use small wood screws. I used little nuts instead of washers (I did not have washers so small).
This combination allows you to adjust the tension of the tendons much more easily than with knots
Very nice. I like that.
JP posted a new activity comment 11 years ago
…. its a boy
JP posted a new activity comment 11 years ago
JP posted a new activity comment 11 years ago
12v linear actuators…. wouw.
Do you know a place to get them cheap? -
JP posted a new activity comment 11 years ago
There is movement
JP posted an update 11 years ago
JP posted a new activity comment 11 years ago
Nice and i see you found out how to add pictures
sorry, wish I had seen your post earlier. -
JP posted a new activity comment 11 years ago
I\’m not really into site programming but when you go to activity the bar on the right is not needed any more. if this is removed you might have more room for the videos.
for the comments, Im looking almost every day to see what others are making.
the comments are sometimes low but I think lots of people are watching. -
JP posted a new activity comment 11 years ago
I like the color combination.
JP posted a new activity comment 11 years ago
IT\’S ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You kick ass.
Nice work man.
What kind of accu did you use? -
JP posted a new activity comment 11 years ago
yes thanks man, thats the derivative i was talking about. the derivative didn\’t work because the stepper motor is wider than the 2 LowerarmsideV1 parts. so you could just move the arm a few centimeters.
JP posted an update 11 years ago
Ok to give another update on the Stepper motor derivative.
The thing is when a steppermotor moves slow it has more torque than the servo.
I lifted 2.5 kilo at slow speed.
BUT when you speed up a stepper motor the torque goes down.
and that is why the guy of this derivative is not respondingWhen i try to match the speed of the servo i can…[Read more]
We come to some very similar conclusions. The reason I designed the screwthreads for the bicep this way was for to keep speed,torque, and printability. Steppers are heavier also. During the 3D PrintShow Paris, I was approached by a firm that creates stepper motors of all kinds and they should get in contact through mail. I will see what they can…[Read more]
JP posted an update 11 years ago
Hai all.
I am making the robot for the entrance of the company where i work.
Maybe you’ve heard about a derivative on the bicep to use a stepper motor.
Well it’s not mine but i do believe in the idea to use a stepper motor.
With this i think we can improve the strength of the arm.For some time I have played with these stepper motors. (Machine…[Read more]
Hi jP, here is a link to a derivative using a stepper motor, I haven’t heard of that person since a while so I have no idea if it is any good. But it might help to start with. http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:50054
yes thanks man, thats the derivative i was talking about. the derivative didn’t work because the stepper motor is wider than the 2 LowerarmsideV1 parts. so you could just move the arm a few centimeters.
I guess you would need to redesign LowerarmsideV1.
I have fixed the small gap in the forehead.
It was easy with the heat gun en some CA glue.
Now the attention wont be drawn to the shadow in the for head as much