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lecagnois posted an update 4 years, 7 months ago
Camera déporté pour InMoov Mini
You know, you could put a Thermal image sensor in that spot. So if you have the cameras in the eyes or a kinect installed, Just another option to have 🙂 I like it.
I moved the camera because I built a small InMoov. There is no place to put the camera in the eyes or to put a kinet. But your idea is interesting. Thank you
Have you seen these?
They are a very small camera module, designed to connect to a Raspberry Pi, but they are very small. The eyes I used in my Inmoov are smaller than most internally, but these fit well 🙂
Thanks for the link, but I’m using a pc with windows 10. I had tried with a LATTEPANDA but there is not enough power for facial recognition. Have you successfully used myrobtlab mandricore with a Raspberry?
I have in the past to a point. I have a non-standard build. I used PCA9685 servo drivers in the head, arms and body and these are supported in the Inmoov service but they are in MRL. So I have had them running, just not well 🙂 I am currently rebuilding the head for my Inmoov again with a Raspberry Pi 3, but also have an AI HAT to add to it for the OpenCV components 🙂 I am still working on those videos, but will have then out in the next few weeks 🙂