• Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 2 years, 4 months ago

    USB power for the most part is limited to 2A under the USB2.0 standard.
    The average servo will draw between 2 and 3 Amps each.
    You will defiantly need a bigger source of power.
    I suggest a 6V power supply.
    If your planning on using it to power the whole of the Inmoov robot, then a 50 Amp power supply is recommended.
    There are other ways of…[Read more]

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 2 years, 4 months ago

    There are two ways to go.
    You can use the older version of Manticore, there are instruction on this site in the Build yours menu for setting it up.
    Manticore runs on Java 1.8, so you will need to install that and make sure it’s the version running.
    The other option is to use the still in development Nixie version.
    This run on Java 11, again you…[Read more]

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 2 years, 8 months ago

    There are a number of servos out there, most of which haven’t been tested by builders.
    I have found the PDI-6221MG servos 20Kg to be great, but they are a standard size servo, so smaller than the Hitec HS805BB and slightly less torque which is around 23Kg
    You can find on Thingiverse adaptors for the standard size servos to fit into the giant size…[Read more]

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 2 years, 8 months ago

    The Nixie Version of MRL is still in development and will from time to time have bugs.
    The developers over at MRL are working on any the bugs that are reported as they arise.
    More recently there was a bug in the OpenCV system has now been resolved in version 1.1.708

    Help can be obtained from the MRL developers at the discord server…[Read more]

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 2 years, 8 months ago

    There is a link in the description:
    But this is behind a paywall, you can get it as a kit.
    and is a lot more complex than the Inmoov hand.
    As far as I can see all the doco for it is in Turkish.
    I doubt it would be compatible with the Inmoov build.

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 2 years, 8 months ago

    Looking good. 🙂

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 2 years, 10 months ago

    A lot depends on the version you want to start with.
    There is a link to the Manticore version (Officially released) on this site.
    Alternatively, you can get the current still in development from the http://myrobotlab.org/ site.
    There is a link in the upper left labelled latest.
    At the time of typing that was 1.1.666, but the updates happen…[Read more]

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 2 years, 10 months ago

    Looks like your making good progress 🙂

  • After installing Fred’s left Bicep, I asked him to record a video for me.
    This went well until he went to point to the virtual white board on his right side.
    Now he not talking to me 🙁
    So now I’m working on his right arm 🙂

  • I had a bit of a play with a few servos to see how they performed when the voltage to them started to get a bit low.

    It’s surprising just how much the current increases when they start to struggle.

  • I made Fred a happy robot with the addition of his left bicep, right up until he woke up his virtual white board was on his right side. 🙂

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 2 years, 10 months ago

    In my current build, I started with the head, then the torso so that I had a stand for the head 🙂
    Now I’m working on the arms.

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 2 years, 10 months ago

    It is possible with the neck servo to use the standard size servo using a servo adapter.
    You can at least put the torso together then and have the neck working.
    The arms are going to need the bigger servos.

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 2 years, 10 months ago

    I think he is looking at me 🙂

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 2 years, 10 months ago

    Pains in the Ass,
    Mrs hit one in an Alto, almost wrote it off and the roo got up and bounced away… 🙁

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 2 years, 10 months ago

    G’day Mindless, been a while since I spotted you online, good to see you back 🙂

  • Fred’s been at me for a while now on getting him some Arms.
    Here is the start of the left Bicep.

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 2 years, 10 months ago

    Don’t forget to post pics or videos of your progress so we can all join in the excitement as well 🙂

  • The final part of Fred’s Left Shoulder.
    Here we set the feedback pots position and test it all out with MRL.

  • Fred’s Left Shoulder Part 4.
    It’s all coming together 🙂

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 2 years, 11 months ago

    In this link to Discord, you will find a number of really useful assembly drawings.
    These were created by Shido, admin of that discord channel.
    He has also posted them in here, the Google Inmoov forum and on Facebook.
    Good bloke to get to know and very helpful.

  • I recently got a new toy.
    I don’t normally post unboxings in here, but this is so handy when setting up your servos.

    This servo tester is great for positioning servos and testing the range before connecting the servos to the servo drivers and fire up MRL.
    I also opened this one up to see what was inside it.

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 2 years, 12 months ago

    Don’t forget to have fun while you build 🙂
    If you run into issues, then don’t forget to ask the community, A lot of us have already gone through the same build process and can now help others 🙂
    There are a lot of strong communities of Inmoov builders, all over the world, starting with this one 🙂

  • In this video we will build and add the bicep rotator to Fred’s Left Shoulder.

  • Ray Edgley posted an update 3 years ago

    Part 2 of Fred’s Shoulder.
    More worm drive fun and games 🙂

  • Ray Edgley posted an update 3 years ago

    Since Fred was insisting, I started on his Left Shoulder.
    This is the start of the new version of the shoulder with the ball bearings.

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 3 years ago

    If you look at the left op, you will find Build Passing
    Below that is latest and a version number.
    You can down load the most recent version from that link. 🙂

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 3 years ago

    What version of MRL are you using?
    I found OpenCV only works on the Raspberry Pi with Nixie versions

  • Ray Edgley posted an update 3 years ago

    Just for a laugh, I turned on the webcam to record Fred 🙂

  • Ray Edgley posted an update 3 years ago

    When your building a robot, sometimes, you need to sense a signal or a voltage that is well over the rating of your input.
    This is not a real problem, because you can use a voltage divider to drop the voltage down a proportional amount.

    I did this with Fred’s battery monitoring inputs, where the Battery voltages can be…[Read more]

  • Ray Edgley posted an update 3 years ago

    Fred’s Brain Part 5
    Fred is a non-standard Inmoov.
    The head in particular has a number of modifications, starting with the Advanced Eyes from Dakota76 and the Raspberry Pi 4 and Raspberry Pi Spy Camera mounted in one of Fred’s eye’s.
    The other major difference, is in the way I control the servos, using the PCA9685 I2C 16 channel…[Read more]

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 3 years ago

    The driver comes installed as standard on the Raspbian OS.
    Either your OS has been corrupted, in which case you might be better off restoring a backup or making a fresh install.
    The USB chip on your Arduino Clone is bad 🙁

    • Thanks Rey Edgley,
      I found in the mayrobotlab startup that it was necessary to put /dev/ ttyUSB0 and the mine is working with /dev/ttyAcm0.

      Another problem with Raspberry the camera is not visible in OpenCV can you give me an advice or an installation procedure…. Thanks

      • What version of MRL are you using?
        I found OpenCV only works on the Raspberry Pi with Nixie versions

  • Ray Edgley posted an update 3 years ago

    Fred’s Right Shoulder Part 4.

    I released this a few weeks ago and for got to post it here.
    The shoulders in Fred are standard, latest version from this site.
    The new ball bearing setup are much smoother.

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 3 years, 1 month ago

    So far, no ones to my knowledge has a working set of motorised walking legs attached to their Inmoov robot.
    The closest I have seen was by John Stager, His robot legs did walk, but were not stable enough for him to risk attaching his Inmoov robot to 🙂
    There are other projects to try and make a set of legs that allow an Inmoov to walk.
    You can…[Read more]

  • Ray Edgley posted an update 3 years, 1 month ago

    Continuing with Fred’s Right shoulder, during this I find an issue with the pot and have to replace the pot.

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 3 years, 1 month ago

    The next 9 pins are also pointing the wrong way, they a spare un-defined pins, mostly connected to the serial pins on the Arduino Mega 2560.

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 3 years, 1 month ago

    The last 4 pins on the Nervo board are pointing the wrong way.
    Those pins are used to connect to an Arduino Nano to run the NeoPixel ring.

  • Ray Edgley posted an update 3 years, 1 month ago

    In this video, I print out and assemble more components for Fred’s shoulder.
    I also mount the shoulder assembly onto Fred’s upper torso and set the feed back pot position.

  • Ray Edgley posted an update 3 years, 1 month ago

    Today, I start on Fred’s Right Shoulder.
    This updated version of the Inmoov shoulder has bearings in it 🙂

  • Continuing with the Fred’s Brain series, this time I look a speech services.
    Both TTS and STT

  • So last week I unboxed a new Raspberry Pi 4 with 8G of RAM.
    This week, I setup the OS and install MyRobotLab on it.

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 3 years, 2 months ago

    I do remember seeing another design of hand created for the Inmoov robot by a builder that allowed side to side motion of some of the fingers.
    It was posted on Thingiverse.
    It does require more servos 🙂

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 3 years, 2 months ago

    In the world of robotics, there is no dark side, unless you plan to have your robots destroy other robots ect.
    There is only different 🙂

    In any case, keep on building and posting your progress 🙂

    • He won’t be destroying other robots. His main role is to teach my students about Robotics and AI. His secondary role will be to help teach kids sign language. The second part is not proving straightforward but, I enjoy a challenge. 😉

      • I do remember seeing another design of hand created for the Inmoov robot by a builder that allowed side to side motion of some of the fingers.
        It was posted on Thingiverse.
        It does require more servos 🙂

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 3 years, 2 months ago

    Starting with MRL_Nixie, the WebKitSpeechRecognition allows for a wake work that can be used to restart the Speech Recognition.
    That would be a feature in Inmoov2.
    Wake words are not supported in the Manticore version.

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 3 years, 2 months ago

    All he needs now is the hand to become your right hand bot 🙂

    Nice Progress 🙂
    I must work on Fred’s arms…..

  • In this video Part 3 of Fred’s Brain, we continue looking at MyRobotLab and how we use the services to setup and control Fred.

    • I really enjoy watching your videos Ray. The way you explain things is great. However I have a confession. I have gone over to the “dark side” that is ARC. I am now running EZ-B controllers and find the ARC software much more intuitive and simpler to work with. I have modified the Nervo Board to suit the new setup.
      Keep up the good work. Warren

      • In the world of robotics, there is no dark side, unless you plan to have your robots destroy other robots ect.
        There is only different 🙂

        In any case, keep on building and posting your progress 🙂

        • He won’t be destroying other robots. His main role is to teach my students about Robotics and AI. His secondary role will be to help teach kids sign language. The second part is not proving straightforward but, I enjoy a challenge. 😉

          • I do remember seeing another design of hand created for the Inmoov robot by a builder that allowed side to side motion of some of the fingers.
            It was posted on Thingiverse.
            It does require more servos 🙂

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 3 years, 3 months ago

    I like the look of the screen in the chest.
    What screen is that, and are the STL files available?
    Looks like a very nice and clean build 🙂

    • Thanks for the comments Ray. It is a 8″ Lenovo Smart Tab. It comes with a docking station that I have managed to fit in, this allows for some extra features built into the tablet plus charging.
      I basically due up a box in cad, then spent several hours shaping it to fit the chest contours (nightmare). The plan now (when time allows) is to merge the…[Read more]

  • I needed to know what the battery voltage was and also had some issues with the MPU6050 running with the Raspiberry Pi 4.
    To I added one to the I2C port on the Arduino Nano.

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 3 years, 3 months ago

    Keep in mind, I’ve been playing with this for 6 years now 🙂
    Confidence comes with time.
    If you go back an look at some of the very early stuff from Gael, he wasn’t confident with programming at all, Look at what he’s doing now and you would think he was a full time programmer instead of a best in field sculptor designer. 🙂
    The idea behind…[Read more]

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 3 years, 3 months ago

    Looking good, Not that far behind on where I’m at 🙂

  • Part two of Fred’s Brain.
    In this video we look at the Servo Service in MyRobotLab and how we set them up on our robots.
    Fred has quite a number of servos, and once the arms and hands are attached, there will be a lot more 🙂

    • Great video Ray. I wish I was as confident at writing code.


      • Keep in mind, I’ve been playing with this for 6 years now 🙂
        Confidence comes with time.
        If you go back an look at some of the very early stuff from Gael, he wasn’t confident with programming at all, Look at what he’s doing now and you would think he was a full time programmer instead of a best in field sculptor designer. 🙂
        The idea behind…[Read more]

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 3 years, 3 months ago

    Thanks, Fred has progressed since then 🙂
    Now he has a torso 🙂
    I must get him to make a few more videos…

  • Every had a servo not turn, but still make sound like it was trying to run?
    In this video I have a look at one of the micro servos from Fred’s Right Eye Mech.

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 3 years, 3 months ago

    It helps to be an Electrician when looking at things like Power 🙂
    Voltage drop is something that is not well understood by most builders, or a lot of electricians as well 🙂
    I did have my Inmoov Fred try to explain it:

    I hope that link help you and others out a bit 🙂


  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 3 years, 3 months ago

    It can seem like it at first, until you get to understand how it works.
    Most of MRL is based around services, you can write scripts to start and configure service and then link services together.
    I have an all python example of writing a program within the MRL system to run an Inmoov robot.
    You are welcome to have a look at it.
    I have tried to…[Read more]

    • Hi Ray. Thanks for taking the time to comment and the link. I will certainly take a look in my quest to conquer mrl. 😉


  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 3 years, 3 months ago

    One of the programs started by the Inmoov program in MRL is Program AB.
    In Inmoov its called i01.chatbot
    If you open that tab, you can type you commands in there
    It’s like talking to your bot with your fingers 🙂

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 3 years, 3 months ago

    That Amps rating is the Maximum the Power Supply Unit (PSU) can supply, the voltage is the one that can blow things up.
    You want the 6V output, most of the gear used in an Inmoov will tolerate a 6V supply, most don’t like going too low.
    If you try and draw more than the PSU’s maximum current, the output voltage will drop, and all the electronics…[Read more]

    • Ray, thanks a lot for the nice explanation.

      • It helps to be an Electrician when looking at things like Power 🙂
        Voltage drop is something that is not well understood by most builders, or a lot of electricians as well 🙂
        I did have my Inmoov Fred try to explain it:

        I hope that link help you and others out a bit 🙂


  • In this video I upgrade Fred’s one and only Arduino to give it more power.

    During programming and testing, I noticed the Raspberry Pi running MyRobotLab was throtteling and reporting low power.
    This has started since the program has been using the two UltraSonic sensors attached to the Arduino Nano.
    With the plan to…[Read more]

  • This week I look at Fred’s Brain, or more accurately, his program.
    This program is getting to be quite complex, so this is the first of a multi part series.
    Fred uses MyRobotLab at it’s core.
    There are links in the video description.

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 3 years, 4 months ago

    Your welcome. 🙂
    Don’t forget to post pics of your robot as you progress 🙂

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 3 years, 4 months ago

    The major consideration is the ability to handle the tension applied.
    When you consider the pulling force required, it is quite understandable.
    The diameter is not anywhere near as important.
    as ling as you can feed it through a 2mm hole and the line will hold 200lb or 90Kg, then you should be all good.

  • Networking Part 1
    In this video we look at the physical layer of the Open Systems Interconnect or OSI model for networking.

    Please Like, Subscribe and ring the notification bell to be alerted when the next video is released.
    It also a form of support that costs you nothing, but does help the channel a lot.

    Maybe drop into the discord server for…[Read more]

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 3 years, 4 months ago

    Those eyes look great.
    the rest of the print is good as well, but i love those eyes 🙂

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 3 years, 4 months ago

    Modding also makes you go further in to the learning of how things work 🙂
    Good news is there are a lot of Inmoov builders that bring knowledge to the group so we can all learn.
    Most of the printed mods in Fred were created by other talented builders.
    I am working on the power distribution and a different control system, but trying to make sure…[Read more]

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 3 years, 4 months ago

    Very nice 🙂

  • Seems I keep getting questions on Fred’s Power Systems.
    Lets try and explain it a bit better 🙂

    • Fred is going great and you have really helped a lot understand how to assemble an inmoov. It also shows, one should feel completely comfortable modding it. This child needs to mutate and change over generations to survive.

      • Modding also makes you go further in to the learning of how things work 🙂
        Good news is there are a lot of Inmoov builders that bring knowledge to the group so we can all learn.
        Most of the printed mods in Fred were created by other talented builders.
        I am working on the power distribution and a different control system, but trying to make sure…[Read more]

  • Time to make Fred a bit more powerful.
    Lets wire up the battery and connect the power switches 🙂

  • In this video I Make up Fred second network cable and the power wires for the Raspberry Pi, the touch screen and the Network switch.
    I also setup the AT30 Switched Mode Power Supply and set it voltage.

  • Terminating Cat5e 10/100 Ethernet cables.

    In this video I install the first of the network cables into Fred InMoov.

    Please Like, Subscribe and ring the notification bell to be alerted when the next video is released.
    It also a form of support that costs you nothing, but does help the channel a lot.

  • For those of you who have been following along with Fred’s Build, I have now added the mounts for the battery packs.
    I have two mounts, each holding up to a 4AH 20V battery, that 80 Watt Hours per battery, compared to the 72 Watt Hours of the 6 volt 12 Amp hour gel-cell battery.
    Having the two means I can change the batteries one at a time…[Read more]

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 3 years, 5 months ago

    You could have a look at this service in MRL
    I manually created each of the services for mine when testing, but then at the time I was using a Raspberry Pi and the PCA9685 servo boards, didn’t have any Arduinos 🙂
    But having a look at the MRL site is a good starting place. 🙂

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 3 years, 5 months ago

    This would be that place.
    You also have a number of other places as well, each with a great community to help.
    There is the google forum: https://groups.google.com/g/inmoov
    There is the Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/174210359646172/about
    There is the Discord Group: https://discord.gg/YvvMC4hUX9
    So far all four places have shown…[Read more]

    • Thank you Ray! I joined google and will join the discord tonight.

      Would you happen to know of any tutorials for just the forearm and hand controls in My Robot Lab? I’ve completed the finger starter and have the forearm and hand assembled, but have not found information on experimenting with basic hand gestures in MRL.

      • You could have a look at this service in MRL
        I manually created each of the services for mine when testing, but then at the time I was using a Raspberry Pi and the PCA9685 servo boards, didn’t have any Arduinos 🙂
        But having a look at the MRL site is a good starting place. 🙂

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 3 years, 6 months ago

    Tomorrow I have a video out on an Air Brush kit I picked up online.
    Next week I make the battery cover then add battery mounts for a pair of 20V 4AH Li-Ion power tool batteries to power Fred with.
    Each battery holds more power than the 6V Gel Cell normally fitted to an Inmoov.
    But to use these batteries you need to have a few Switch Mode…[Read more]

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 3 years, 6 months ago

    I have with mixed results.
    When I add the services manually, they all appear to work well.
    I can not use the standard InMoov services as I’m running a non-standard build with the PCA9685 servo driver boards in the head and back.
    The scripts I have created for my build appear to work on Manticore, but the servos are not working in Nixie.
    I haven’t…[Read more]

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 3 years, 6 months ago

    There are a few differences including the numbers of pins.
    I purchased a few years ago, and adaptor cable that came with a 12Vdc Power supply.
    It has the required plug socket for the Kinect to plug into with two wires coming out, one to the power supply, the other to a USB type A plug that connects to your computer.
    Something like…[Read more]

    • Understood thanks. Have you tried installing the new NIXIE firmware for the robot? Does Kinect work with the latest firmware?

      • I have with mixed results.
        When I add the services manually, they all appear to work well.
        I can not use the standard InMoov services as I’m running a non-standard build with the PCA9685 servo driver boards in the head and back.
        The scripts I have created for my build appear to work on Manticore, but the servos are not working in Nixie.
        I haven’t…[Read more]

  • Part 5 of Fred’s upper stomach.
    In this video I mount the upper stomach to the rest of Fred’s torso, extend the servo wires and connect it up.

    • encore une superbe vidéo 👍

      • Thankyou.
        Tomorrow I have a video out on an Air Brush kit I picked up online.
        Next week I make the battery cover then add battery mounts for a pair of 20V 4AH Li-Ion power tool batteries to power Fred with.
        Each battery holds more power than the 6V Gel Cell normally fitted to an Inmoov.
        But to use these batteries you need to have a few Switch Mode…[Read more]

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 3 years, 6 months ago

    Good question, I think you need them hosted somewhere and then you link to them
    I tend to link videos that are hosted on YouTube.
    Then it’s just a matter of pasting in the URL to the video or pic

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 3 years, 6 months ago

    No problems,
    I like seeing worky Inmoov robots.
    Would be nice if they stay worky 🙂

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 3 years, 6 months ago

    Very cool 🙂

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 3 years, 6 months ago

    Bedrijfsspanningsbereik (Volt gelijkstroom): 4.8V ~ 6.0V
    They are rated at 4.8V ~ 6.0V
    There is a chance they will die an early death if you run them above the 6.0V

  • Fred’s upper stomach Part 4, continuing with the upper stomach, front covers and install the Kinect.

  • Part 3 of building Fred’s upper stomach.
    In this video I install the two servos and assemble the side-to-side torso bearing assembly.

  • Time to continue welding up parts for the upper stomach 🙂

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 3 years, 7 months ago

    That looks very nice.
    Make want to think about getting a resin printer 🙂
    All jokes aside, the fingers would look good with resin as well.

  • So the first in the series of videos on the upper stomach is done 🙂

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 3 years, 7 months ago

    Oh, so thats a mini Inmoov.
    So cool when you see it standing next to a full sized Inmoov 🙂

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 3 years, 7 months ago

    The chest part in the middle looks a bit different.
    Do you have a plan for that hole?
    Are the STL files available?
    I do like the skin tones on the head.
    Looking good 🙂

  • Fred now has a PIR sensor and a pair of Ultrasonic sensors fitted after a bit of repair work to his chest.

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 3 years, 7 months ago

    There are 2 or three sizes of servo used in the head depending on the version you are building.
    The Official version uses a HS-805BB for the turning left/right as well as a MG996R for the Jaw or equivalent.
    It’s been a while, but I think it also uses 2 x SG90 servos for the eye movement’s
    I’ve built a non standard head, (that comes with it’s own…[Read more]

  • I actually created this video a while back, but forgot to edit and upload it. 🙂
    I upgraded Fred’s brain from a Raspberry Pi 3 to a Raspberry Pi 4 with 8GB or RAM.

  • Now that Fred has a back cover to protect any electronics, it time to install a Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS) and the servo driver 🙂

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 3 years, 8 months ago

    I found with mine, there is a setting in the slicer called Horizontal expansion.
    Setting this to -0.15 in my case solved all this problem and the calibration parts fit together nicely.
    This setting can vary from printer to printer and even between slicers.
    The setting of -0.15 works in my Cura slicer, while -0.10 works best in S3D on the same printer.

  • Last week, I added a chest to Fred, Somewhere to attach medals I guess 🙂
    This week I add the back cover 🙂

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 3 years, 8 months ago

    It works for me,

    Sketch 3D: Hand

    It does have some iterative features, so you may need to update your PDF viewer.

  • Fred looks better with a chest, In this video I give him one 🙂

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 3 years, 8 months ago

    Very cool,
    I would like to see more of you progress, particularly with regards to the balance for walking 🙂

  • In this video I continue in building the new stand for Fred’s head.
    To make a stable stand, I’m using the upper part of a standard Inmoov torso and using a bust set of parts I was shown on Thingiverse, we now have a stable base.

  • Well, started on a new stand for Fred’s new head today:

  • I’ve been printing out the torso to use as Fred’s new head’s stand.
    I’ve been pointed to a bust stand for the torso, which is very cool.
    When looking for the instructions, I found all the torso ones, and the back one’s, but is there any for the chest?
    I thought there used to be, but i could be wrong…
    If not, I guess I’ll have to document it as I…[Read more]

  • Merry X-Mass to everyone out there.
    Tried to setup a new and better neck assembly for Fred’s Head.
    Didn’t quite go to plan 🙁

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 3 years, 9 months ago

    I’m re-building the upper torso and shoulders.
    My old printer was not well calibrated and I had a lot of dimensional inaccuracies.
    With my newer printer, it’s now accurate, and since the stand for Fred’s new head is not that good, I’m using the upper torso as a stand 🙂

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 3 years, 9 months ago

    That was it 🙂
    Thanks qwenael 🙂

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 3 years, 9 months ago

    I can’t attach the track to the ceiling in my home (the wife would kill me 🙂 ) but I did build a frame on casters that can help support the robot when I first start testing. 🙂

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 3 years, 9 months ago

    There are two options here to solve your problem.
    1) and the better method is to go to the MRL site and search the problem there, there was a solution given there or talk to Grog or Kwatter on the MRL site.
    2) install an older version of the Arduino IDE 1.8.9 works well.
    The problem arises from a change in the Arduino IDE and the way it interprets…[Read more]

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 3 years, 9 months ago

    This project will take a while to complete.
    I’m trying to work through all the possible design considerations including the maths.
    Last thing I want is for my Inmoov robot to fall over and break. 🙂

    I’m working on the basis, if I can explain it to others, then I have a reasonable understanding myself.
    Also, if I have made an error, someone may…[Read more]

    • I agree with that philosophy, my father a physicist says ‘The best way to learn something is to teach it’! Regarding it falling over and breaking you could do what Boston dynamic does with a simple track on the ceiling and a safety cable, here is a video of one of their early prototypes: https://youtu.be/SD6Okylclb8

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 3 years, 10 months ago

    I think your robot is sinking into the floor, almost down to the knees 🙂

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 3 years, 10 months ago

    Looking good 🙂

  • Well, it was a long time coming, but here a video on driving the joints of our walking robots.

    • Excellent info clearly explained!

      • This project will take a while to complete.
        I’m trying to work through all the possible design considerations including the maths.
        Last thing I want is for my Inmoov robot to fall over and break. 🙂

        I’m working on the basis, if I can explain it to others, then I have a reasonable understanding myself.
        Also, if I have made an error, someone may…[Read more]

        • I agree with that philosophy, my father a physicist says ‘The best way to learn something is to teach it’! Regarding it falling over and breaking you could do what Boston dynamic does with a simple track on the ceiling and a safety cable, here is a video of one of their early prototypes: https://youtu.be/SD6Okylclb8

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 3 years, 10 months ago

    Aren’t those two tendons supposed to go to the middle servo not installing in the image?

  • Got Fred on a power trip this week, talking about power 🙂

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 3 years, 11 months ago

    I’m slowly working on that 🙂

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 3 years, 11 months ago

    Nice looking Build.
    If your gonna have your robot that close to the roof, maybe a hard hat would be a good accessory for it 🙂

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 3 years, 11 months ago

    Good to hear, glad I could help 🙂

    It’s been my experience that everyone joining into this project has at least one skill to helps the project in general, the trick is in helping them get past the area’s where they don’t have a skill.
    Some are better programmers than others who have no skill there at all, while others have better mechanical…[Read more]

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 3 years, 11 months ago

    Hmmm, that differs a bit from mine that seems to work
    java version “1.8.0_231”
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_231-b11)
    Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.231-b11, mixed mode)
    You may need to download the older version of Java and install it.
    I know the latest version is version 11 and MRL has problems with that as well.

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 3 years, 11 months ago

    What version of Java are you running?
    In a command or terminal window enter
    java -version
    and note the version.
    The manticore release of MRL runs on Java version 1.7.xxx or version 1.8.xxxxx
    new versions are know to have issues with MRL

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 3 years, 11 months ago

    Can I suggest the static legs?
    They look good and lets your bot stand on it own two legs:-)

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 3 years, 11 months ago

    Sounds like something I would have said 🙂

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 3 years, 12 months ago

    This is looking very good, got a nice shine to it 🙂

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 3 years, 12 months ago

    On some of the prints, I will pause the print and change the filament which is what I did for the shoulder covers with the MRL logo.
    For the center chest bit, I printed the hollow parts in black, then the letters in white and glued them in.

  • I started to look at joints that can be used in robots.
    There are quite a few and a lot of different ways they can be driven.
    Here is a look at some of the different types and a bit of a peek at the new foot design.

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 4 years ago

    I may well be very wrong, but, if you pass a French language phase to it with a voice more suited to the French language.
    I did try a test copying some text from this site (The post below), but I can not judge the result as I don’t speak or understand the French language at all.
    I did try this line at the terminal window.
    ./mimic -t “boujour je…[Read more]

  • Ray Edgley posted an update 4 years ago

    The default Text To Speech service in MyRobotLab (MRL) is not the best out there.
    For Windows users, MRL comes with the Mimic Speech service.
    Mimic Speech was created by MycroftAI and sounds very good, but if you run MRL on a Raspberry Pi, then its just not available, unless you download and compile the binary yourself and tell the MRL MimicSpeech…[Read more]

    • Hello
      very good tutorial.
      But how to put MimicSpeech in French?

      • I may well be very wrong, but, if you pass a French language phase to it with a voice more suited to the French language.
        I did try a test copying some text from this site (The post below), but I can not judge the result as I don’t speak or understand the French language at all.
        I did try this line at the terminal window.
        ./mimic -t “boujour je…[Read more]

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 4 years, 1 month ago

    This is a nice looking build.
    I will be interested to see the rest of the robot on this base and to see it working 🙂

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 4 years, 1 month ago

    That is good to hear 🙂
    Fred’s head is a series of video showing the construction of a non-standard Inmoov head with a Raspberry Pi 3 mounted in the head.
    A few of the videos cover setting up the Raspberry pi and basic testing.
    Both Steve Rayner and Kyle Campbell have good videos of a standard Inmoov head and well worth watching their videos as…[Read more]

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 4 years, 1 month ago

    I ran into this problem on the Raspberry Pi 3.
    Have a look at this video near the start where I fix this problem first.

    • Thank you

      • This is the method, I succeeded

        • That is good to hear 🙂
          Fred’s head is a series of video showing the construction of a non-standard Inmoov head with a Raspberry Pi 3 mounted in the head.
          A few of the videos cover setting up the Raspberry pi and basic testing.
          Both Steve Rayner and Kyle Campbell have good videos of a standard Inmoov head and well worth watching their videos as…[Read more]

  • Ray Edgley posted an update 4 years, 1 month ago

    I let Fred get in front of the camera again 🙂
    This time he;s talking about the power of rotation in part 4 of the Walking Robot series.

  • Ray Edgley posted an update 4 years, 1 month ago

    Ever wondered about PID Loops?
    These are used in servos, cruise controls, industrial ovens, and pressure control systems.
    Here is a video where Fred explains how they work.

    I hope you enjoy 🙂

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 4 years, 1 month ago

    So your not using MRL at all?
    Sounds impressive in any case.
    My quick search has it on special at US$60, not too bad.

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 4 years, 1 month ago

    I was thinking more of how you got the tracking software working 🙂
    I’ve got one of Fred’s eyes with a camera in it connected to a Raspberry Pi and servos working to move the eyes, but haven’t done anything on image processing or tracking.

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 4 years, 1 month ago

    No problems. 🙂
    had me stumped for a little while, but I knew it worked a few years earlier, so it should work now 🙂

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 4 years, 1 month ago

    I don’t suppose you have a video of this and how you achieved it ?
    Would be interesting to see how it was done 🙂

    • I was thinking more of how you got the tracking software working 🙂
      I’ve got one of Fred’s eyes with a camera in it connected to a Raspberry Pi and servos working to move the eyes, but haven’t done anything on image processing or tracking.

    • So your not using MRL at all?
      Sounds impressive in any case.
      My quick search has it on special at US$60, not too bad.

    • Is that what I see listed as “Coral USB Accelerator board?

  • Ray Edgley posted an update 4 years, 1 month ago

    Just out is the Walking Robots Part 3, Rate of rotation video.
    This one goes into the speed at which the various leg joint will need to rotate at for a normal walking gait.

  • Ray Edgley posted an update 4 years, 1 month ago

    Part 9 of the building of Fred’s head is now up on YouTube.
    In this video I get MarySpeech working with the MouthControl service to work the jaw.
    Now you can see how Fred hosted the Walking Robot’s Part two video 🙂

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 4 years, 1 month ago

    It’s a very good start, Looking good 🙂

  • It was a while in production but here is Part two of the Walking Robots Series.
    Presented by Fred, an Inmoov Robot, or at least his head 🙂
    Feel free to ask question in the comments

    Next week in Part 9 of Fred’s Head, I go in to how this was achieved.

    Don’t forget to have fun building your robot 🙂

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 4 years, 2 months ago

    If you are following a standard build as described in the build yours section of this site, yes you will need the nervo boards.
    Keep in mind the Raspberry Pi 3 or 4 are far too small to run the whole of the Inmoov project
    Several features such as OpenCV are not supported at all by the Raspberry Pi under the Manticore build of MyRobotLab (MRL)
    The…[Read more]

  • Looking at making Fred a Bipedal walking robot.
    But before starting on the design, we first need to know and understand what all the challenges will be.
    As part of working on this I have now uploaded the first of the walking robot series to YouTube

    This will be a huge project as I investigate each of the problems we…[Read more]

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 4 years, 2 months ago

    I like the Orange White combination, should be easy to find in a crowd 🙂

  • Finally the power up and testing of Fred’s head

  • Fred’s Head Part 7.
    This is proving to be a bigger job than I first expected, Hopefully it will be all worth it in the end 🙂

    Next week, the power up and testing

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 4 years, 3 months ago

    I remember seeing one for the old neck, but not the new official one.
    Sounds like a good video for you to make 🙂

    • I think it was Kyle Cambell’s video on neck, but it doesn’t show how it attaches to the torso. Yes I will make a video on this at some point. I’m going to keep the original neck design for now, but I wanted to know how much room to leave for the neck servos so I can upgrade later.

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 4 years, 3 months ago

    Looking good 🙂

  • Part 6 of build Freds head is now out.

    I hope you enjoy it 🙂

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 4 years, 3 months ago

    Still working on the modified head, Last week I mounted the Raspberry Pi in the head, Friday I release the video on mounting the SMPS for the pi and connecting it to the PCA9685, the week after that is testing and some very basic programming.
    Then i start the walking robot series I hope.
    Where i plan to motorize the legs, this will not be an easy task.

    • Hi. Its been a long absence because of covid. I’m back and will continue.
      I have to reprint one of the pistonanticlock screws that go into the arm because the old one was angled a little. Then I plan to connect a Pi to the head and replace both arduinos with something that can handle multithreading. What about you?

      • I’m re-building the upper torso and shoulders.
        My old printer was not well calibrated and I had a lot of dimensional inaccuracies.
        With my newer printer, it’s now accurate, and since the stand for Fred’s new head is not that good, I’m using the upper torso as a stand 🙂

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 4 years, 3 months ago

    The temptation to print multiple parts at one on the big bed is great, but a failure in on can result in the failure of all the prints on that bed 🙁
    Learn’t that the hard way a couple of time. Apparently I’m a slow learner 🙂
    Good luck with your build, it will be along journey, but well worth it in the end.

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 4 years, 3 months ago

    Very nice looking print 🙂

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 4 years, 3 months ago

    Been working it almost every day the last few weeks 🙂

    • Cool. What do you have left to build?

      • Still working on the modified head, Last week I mounted the Raspberry Pi in the head, Friday I release the video on mounting the SMPS for the pi and connecting it to the PCA9685, the week after that is testing and some very basic programming.
        Then i start the walking robot series I hope.
        Where i plan to motorize the legs, this will not be an easy task.

        • Hi. Its been a long absence because of covid. I’m back and will continue.
          I have to reprint one of the pistonanticlock screws that go into the arm because the old one was angled a little. Then I plan to connect a Pi to the head and replace both arduinos with something that can handle multithreading. What about you?

          • I’m re-building the upper torso and shoulders.
            My old printer was not well calibrated and I had a lot of dimensional inaccuracies.
            With my newer printer, it’s now accurate, and since the stand for Fred’s new head is not that good, I’m using the upper torso as a stand 🙂

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 4 years, 3 months ago

    I have in the past to a point.
    I have a non-standard build.
    I used PCA9685 servo drivers in the head, arms and body and these are supported in the Inmoov service but they are in MRL.
    So I have had them running, just not well 🙂
    I am currently rebuilding the head for my Inmoov again with a Raspberry Pi 3, but also have an AI HAT to add to it for…[Read more]

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 4 years, 3 months ago

    Have you seen these?

    They are a very small camera module, designed to connect to a Raspberry Pi, but they are very small.
    The eyes I used in my Inmoov are smaller than most…[Read more]

    • Thanks for the link, but I’m using a pc with windows 10.
      I had tried with a LATTEPANDA but there is not enough power for facial recognition.
      Have you successfully used myrobtlab mandricore with a Raspberry?

      • I have in the past to a point.
        I have a non-standard build.
        I used PCA9685 servo drivers in the head, arms and body and these are supported in the Inmoov service but they are in MRL.
        So I have had them running, just not well 🙂
        I am currently rebuilding the head for my Inmoov again with a Raspberry Pi 3, but also have an AI HAT to add to it for…[Read more]

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 4 years, 3 months ago

    You know, you could put a Thermal image sensor in that spot.
    So if you have the cameras in the eyes or a kinect installed, Just another option to have 🙂
    I like it.

  • In this weeks video, I mount the Raspberry Pi 3 into the head of my Inmoov robot Fred

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 4 years, 4 months ago

    I do like the color scheme you have used here 🙂

  • Now that I have most of the head together, I should think about setting up the Raspberry Pi 3 with MyRobotLab
    In this video that what I will be doing.
    MRL is not the only way to control the Inmoov robot, but it is the official system for the Inmoov project.
    Others have successfully used EZrobot for their non-standard robots, and recently I was…[Read more]

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 4 years, 4 months ago

    Nice build.
    Do the finger sensors work for you?

  • Well i finally got the Advance eyes installed in to the new head for Frem, my Inmoov Build.

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 4 years, 4 months ago

    I think James Burton did something like that with his two animated bots for shows.
    All running off DMX

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 4 years, 4 months ago

    How well do the ultra sonic range finders work in Leo?
    I’m assuming Leo is the one on the right 🙂

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 4 years, 4 months ago

    You just need to post the URL link to the picture you want to display in most cases.
    I know this works for video links as I just did this. 🙂

  • Continuing on with building a new Inmoov robot head for Fred.
    This time I work on the eyes 🙂

  • So I started building the new head for Fred, my Inmoov build.

    The Transparent filament looks really cool for a robot head. 🙂

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 4 years, 4 months ago

    In mine, I went the other way, White background with a black logo.
    Same process, pause the print at the first layer of the logo, to look so much better than painting. 🙂

  • Starting to work on a new head for Fred.
    This time, I’m going non-standard and printing out re-mixed parts,
    but before starting, I needed something to sit the head on while i work on it.

    Meet Fred’s new head stand.

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 4 years, 5 months ago

    You don’t happen to have video of it working?
    Looks good.

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 4 years, 5 months ago

    Thanks for your comment,
    There are a couple of us who are showing the way now,
    There is only so much that can be conveyed with words and pictures, and with so many languages, sometimes a moving image can be better.
    I know I have learned a lot with this project, between this site and the videos from Kyle Campbell…[Read more]

  • I decided it was time to look at the NeoPixel ring in Fred’s stomach.

    • The NeoPixel Ring video is great! Ray, your series of videos are very helpful to InMoov makers. Thanks.

      • Thanks for your comment,
        There are a couple of us who are showing the way now,
        There is only so much that can be conveyed with words and pictures, and with so many languages, sometimes a moving image can be better.
        I know I have learned a lot with this project, between this site and the videos from Kyle Campbell…[Read more]

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 4 years, 5 months ago

    Nice print.
    Be good to the rest of the robot to go with the head 🙂

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 4 years, 5 months ago

    Inmoov2 uses that same hardware as Inmoov, it’s purly a service upgrade in MyRobotLab.
    All the info you could ever need about the MyRobotLab project can be found at
    There you can access all the documentation including how to setup and download the GitHub for the project.

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 4 years, 5 months ago

    I was thinking more about walking robots the last week or so after seeing a robot elbow design using cables to drive it.

    I was also looking at how other bipedal animals (Birds, Chickens and Ducks) walk and the distribution of the muscles.
    It occurs to me, the further up the robot the mass is, the…[Read more]

  • I spotted this Grove AI HAT for Edge Computing.
    Its designed to connect to the Raspberry Pi and act as an AI Accelerator for the Pi.
    So I got one to have a bit more of a look.

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 4 years, 5 months ago

    You sound like a fellow Aussie 🙂
    Good to see a standard build electronics wiring.
    I’m working on a non standard setup, but there are a lot more people needing to see the standard setup.

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 4 years, 5 months ago

    Good news is, as a result of your request, I also went back to the last video, and added the parts list in the description of the Video.
    If one person asked, then there will be many other who will want to know as well 🙂

  • Well in my last video, I ran into a problem when i went to attach the legs, they didn’t quite fit.
    This week, I have fixed that and now Fred is standing
    He’s taller than I thought he would be, either that or I’m shorter….

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 4 years, 5 months ago

    I understand the mechanics, but are not very good in the cad design.
    Within the static legs that Gael has created, he has re-used parts from his early prototypes of a motorized version.
    I would love to see the rest of the parts around the knee for the motorized version as what I have seen so far and the video on YouTube of the testing of the knee…[Read more]

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 4 years, 5 months ago

    Hello Zurczurc,

    The legs are a very difficult part to make.
    They need to be strong, lightweight and fast.
    There is also the issue of balance which is also very difficult.
    Gael has released the static legs and they do hold the robot up.
    Just a note, in order to achieve the strength required to support the rest of the robot, some of the components…[Read more]

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 4 years, 5 months ago

    Hello Steve,

    The last video in this series is scheduled to go live on Friday.
    Do you link it would be helpful if I include this list of parts in the description as well?

    • Yes as it will make it easier to find. The info will probably get lost in this forum as time passes.

      • Good news is, as a result of your request, I also went back to the last video, and added the parts list in the description of the Video.
        If one person asked, then there will be many other who will want to know as well 🙂

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 4 years, 5 months ago

    Hope that all helps.

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 4 years, 5 months ago

    The feet have all wood screws installed and I don’t have the gauge sizes for the screws I used, these are ones I had on hand, but there are 13 in each foot.

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 4 years, 5 months ago

    Connecting the Knee to the Thigh I used 3 x M4 x 20 mm long nut and bolts, with the nuts being plastic welded into the knee joint.

    On the back side is the locking part that has 2 x M5 X 40 mm long countersunk.
    The nuts were plastic welded into place.

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 4 years, 5 months ago

    Connecting the knee to the Tibia I have used 3 x M4 x 40 mm long with the head of one flattened to allow it to sit flush against the front wall of the Tibia when facing up.
    Theses could have been 25 mm long, however only had 20 mm and 40 mm long on hand.
    As it turns out the middle of those three is convenient to tie back to the small trolley I…[Read more]

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 4 years, 5 months ago

    Hello Steve,

    The following quantities are for each leg, so you will need to double them for both legs.
    1 x M8 x 125 mm and 1 x M8 x 95 mm long for each knee.

    • Connecting the knee to the Tibia I have used 3 x M4 x 40 mm long with the head of one flattened to allow it to sit flush against the front wall of the Tibia when facing up.
      Theses could have been 25 mm long, however only had 20 mm and 40 mm long on hand.
      As it turns out the middle of those three is convenient to tie back to the small trolley I…[Read more]

  • Continuing the video series on the Static Leg,
    Here are the thighs 🙂

  • Turns out the Inmoov robot is taller than me 🙂

    • Love the red. I’m enjoying your videos on the static leg assembly. I’m interested in the sizes and quantities of any nuts and bolts used.

      • Hello Steve,

        The following quantities are for each leg, so you will need to double them for both legs.
        1 x M8 x 125 mm and 1 x M8 x 95 mm long for each knee.

        • Connecting the knee to the Tibia I have used 3 x M4 x 40 mm long with the head of one flattened to allow it to sit flush against the front wall of the Tibia when facing up.
          Theses could have been 25 mm long, however only had 20 mm and 40 mm long on hand.
          As it turns out the middle of those three is convenient to tie back to the small trolley I…[Read more]

      • Hello Steve,

        The last video in this series is scheduled to go live on Friday.
        Do you link it would be helpful if I include this list of parts in the description as well?

        • Yes as it will make it easier to find. The info will probably get lost in this forum as time passes.

          • Good news is, as a result of your request, I also went back to the last video, and added the parts list in the description of the Video.
            If one person asked, then there will be many other who will want to know as well 🙂

  • Now complete, Fred\’s Knees

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 4 years, 6 months ago

    Yeah, you may be correct….
    Maybe Gael assumes you will forget to print it again when you print the left shoulder or that you will break one ?

    • Ah, I think I see where there is some confusion. Gael shoulder tutorial actually seems to cover some of the bicep parts. So we use PivPotentio in both the pivot of the shoulder and the rotation of the bicep.

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 4 years, 6 months ago

    You do need two, one for the shoulder rotator and one for the omo…. forgot the name of it, but it lifts the shoulder up using a piston while the shoulder rotate is done with a worm drive like the bicep rotator

    • Yes, but that’s a different part. For the Omniplate we use PivPotHolder, not PivPotentio. Don’t we?

      • Yeah, you may be correct….
        Maybe Gael assumes you will forget to print it again when you print the left shoulder or that you will break one ?

        • Ah, I think I see where there is some confusion. Gael shoulder tutorial actually seems to cover some of the bicep parts. So we use PivPotentio in both the pivot of the shoulder and the rotation of the bicep.

  • So continuing to build the static leg for Fred, my build of the Inmoov robot.

  • Ok, so i started to print out the feet and ankles.
    So far all looks good.

  • Ray Edgley posted a new activity comment 4 years, 6 months ago

    The finger starter portion of the project hasn’t changed in 7 years, so the older tutorials should work fine.
    This is the best one to folow:

    Finger Starter

    Make sure you have enough power to run the servo, the USB from the computer will NOT have enough power and will cause all sorts of problems.
    Use a 6V supply, from a power…[Read more]

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