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Kimi posted a new activity comment 4 years ago
Hi Michael, yes of course, but I still have a few tests to do before sharing, to make sure everything is working correctly.
Hi Kimi, I can’t thank you enough. Have a great day
Hi Ray, I will post, soon I hope some parts with moving legs, after many tries, I have used brushless motors, with our own drivers, which can start with torque in both directions. Cheers
Kimi posted a new activity comment 4 years, 1 month ago
Hi Ray, thanx for your support
Kimi posted an update 4 years, 1 month ago
Hi everybody, After having realized the inmoov few yers ago, I launch out in myself some modifications, replacement of the big too noisy and too slow servos by personal realizations, remolding of the head, to have a face in latex with expressions, and other modifications in progress such as recalculating the balance to try to make it…[Read more]
Very cool, I would like to see more of you progress, particularly with regards to the balance for walking 🙂
Exceptional!, will you be sharing the STLs ? Of your revised face with expressions and also I believe I saw a remodeled hand and arm.