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lorn campbell posted an update 7 years, 9 months ago
I am programming my InMoov using EZ robot software. I have taken his forearms off as I am updating his servos for his hands, so only part of him works at the moment. His head, neck and torso is working in this video. I have added an adapted “Bob Houston” neck on him by Gestalt73. Fitted a speaker in his mouth, but need to work on the mouth/speech movements to make them work more realistically. All movements a bit abrupt but working on that.
Lorn, that’s brilliant. How long have you been working on your Inmoov? I’m using EZ to co troll mine but I’m not as far ahead as you. Where are you in the UK? Steve
Hi Steve, thanks Been building my InMoov since about last August when I bought my Wanhoa printer. Started using EZB about January time. I can send you my files if you want as I found that looking at existing setups answered so many questions. Also chat to Bob Houston on the forums as hes made his files available. They really give an insite to getting going. Its all a bit overwhelming otherwise. Been trying out face recognition plugins that Microsoft make available. I am in Twickenham, near Heathrow, west London. Email me on: and I will send you what I have. Also count me in on your robot meet when that happens. Lorn
Hi Steve I was thinking about your ideas on a robot meet. One idea might be to have meet-up using video conferencing. I use “zoom meeting” at work regularly and its free. We could set up a time/date that suits people is the US also maybe. Its really simple and you can use your mobile phone/laptop/pc etc to participate. We could keep it really informal and everybody gets to say hi and show where they are with InMoov etc. People can just login and watch if they dont have InMoovs or are not at home or whatever.
To use Zoom, i have an account. I or you just issue invites by text and email and other people dont need accounts, they just use the link to participate. You get multiple video pictures and whoever is talking gets the camera feed. Have a look at this link, its like Skype
Hi Lorn, that’s a brilliant idea. I’ve not seen Zoom before. It look a bit like face time. I’ll join up and perhaps we can do a test run together.