• So here a simple test video from the FingerStarterKit:
    (At this moment, I only use the default servo pulley which is included by the servo)

    • Here the Arduino code, which has a servo slow function included:


      Servo myservo; // create servo object to control a servo

      int potpin = 0; // analog pin used to connect the potentiometer
      int val; // variable to read the value from the analog pin
      int Pos;

      void setup()
      myservo.attach(9); // attaches the servo on pin 9…[Read more]

      • Here a direct link to download the the code:

        • Hi Marten,
          I always like to see videos, they tell so much more than words!
          That carbon filament is great looking!
          I did make a Arduino script when I was testing the carbone foam sensors on the finger starter. I’m wondering if I still can find it in all my data. It could maybe help you or others, as I recall it was a bit of a different approach.

          • Found the script back in my data base:


            const int servoPin = 3;
            const int sensorPin = A0;
            int sensorReading;

            int pos = 0; // variable to store the servo position

            Servo myservo;

            void setup(){
            myservo.write(0); // Open finger.
            pos = 0;
            myservo.attach(servoPin );

            void loop(){
            sensorReading =…[Read more]

            • Hi Gaël,

              Thanks for sharing your code to.

              The best way to use this sort sensor, is to include a servo slow (step-based movement) which I have included in my code.
              The code what I’ve shared isn’t the code what we need right now.
              It was just to test the reaction from the sensor as I showed you in Eindhoven.

              If we use a step-based movement, the…[Read more]