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Constance posted an update 2 years, 9 months ago
Hello, I have small problems with the mechanism of the jaw 🙁
I followed the instructions:
I set the servo to 0 and mount the “JawHinge” at 90 ° (for a distance of 1 cm). I tested my servo (movement from 0 to 20 °). At 0 °, my robot has his mouth open. At 20 °, he opened it even more …
Yesterday evening and this morning I spent quite a bit of time trying to resolve this problem, without success. I am not able to have a closed mouth.
I thought about putting my servo at 90 ° instead (it can go up to 180 °) and looking for the angle that allows a good closing of the mouth. What do you think ? Could this be a problem later when using MRL? I don’t think so but I would like confirmation before finishing to build my head !
Sorry if my question sounds trivial, I am a beginner !
Thank you in advance for your help! 🙂
I’m sorry, constance, but I can’t answer that because I haven’t created it yet. Greetings from Sevila (Spain)
Hi, thank you. Finally my robot has a closed mouth at 0° 🙂
Bonjour Constance, je suis curieux de savoir quel était la solution finalement?
Bonjour Stéphan, Le moteur a l’intérieur n’était pas correctement vissé. En vissant bien la structure à l’intérieur, c’est mieux ! J’ai du à nouveau refaire un tour de vis car ça s’était dévissé…