• pedro posted a new activity comment 8 years, 3 months ago

    http://www.myrobotlab.org go there and talk in chat ppl can help u

    • Sure you can, it might help others where you had doubts. Make sure to mention InMoov in the title, this way it will come out with the search.

  • pedro posted a new activity comment 8 years, 4 months ago

    you are right, and is mooving to know why you choose windows, i all my life used windows but when started with linux have fall in love! I guess the script i put on git will still work if u know the correct path, can u try do search for BAT0 and see if the pc find it, if i can i will try test it n a windows laptop and see how can u configure it! Best luck

  • pedro posted a new activity comment 8 years, 4 months ago

    upower -i /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/battery_BAT0 if u run this on cmd does it work?
    try use this path, or do a search for BAT0! Btw, change to linux! You will be surprise how much easy it is than windows

    • Thanks Pedro, linux upower software won’t work with Windows (as far as I know). I am searching on the net to use powercfg -energy and powercfg -battery.

      I have been using Linux for years, it is one of the reasons I opened my design.
      Even though, I love Linux, there is still many things that need to be fixed for to have a simple OS working.…[Read more]

      • you are right, and is mooving to know why you choose windows, i all my life used windows but when started with linux have fall in love! I guess the script i put on git will still work if u know the correct path, can u try do search for BAT0 and see if the pc find it, if i can i will try test it n a windows laptop and see how can u configure it! Best luck

  • pedro posted a new activity comment 8 years, 4 months ago

    i still cant understand git very well so the correct file is in scripts/zorba/gestures/battery.py

    • Thanks Pedro,
      I added the “battery gesture”, and modified my gesture .aiml as well to get it in account. But I get this error:
      IOError: (2, ‘No such file or directory’, ‘/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/energy_now’)
      So I suspect “energy_now” is in a different directory than yours.

      • upower -i /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/battery_BAT0 if u run this on cmd does it work?
        try use this path, or do a search for BAT0! Btw, change to linux! You will be surprise how much easy it is than windows

        • Thanks Pedro, linux upower software won’t work with Windows (as far as I know). I am searching on the net to use powercfg -energy and powercfg -battery.

          I have been using Linux for years, it is one of the reasons I opened my design.
          Even though, I love Linux, there is still many things that need to be fixed for to have a simple OS working.…[Read more]

          • you are right, and is mooving to know why you choose windows, i all my life used windows but when started with linux have fall in love! I guess the script i put on git will still work if u know the correct path, can u try do search for BAT0 and see if the pc find it, if i can i will try test it n a windows laptop and see how can u configure it! Best luck

  • pedro posted a new activity comment 8 years, 4 months ago

    ok just uploaded my gestures, in git from pyrobotlab, go check the one called battery! enjoy

  • pedro posted a new activity comment 8 years, 4 months ago

    upower -i $(upower -e | grep BAT) | grep –color=never -E ‘state|to\ full|to\ empty|percentage’ if u do this on cmd u will get what u want but couldnt link that yet to the purpose u want, dont know if this can help

  • pedro posted an update 8 years, 4 months ago


    im using linux so dooing a script will not help u, try see this post

    • upower -i $(upower -e | grep BAT) | grep –color=never -E ‘state|to\ full|to\ empty|percentage’ if u do this on cmd u will get what u want but couldnt link that yet to the purpose u want, dont know if this can help

    • i still cant understand git very well so the correct file is in scripts/zorba/gestures/battery.py

      • Thanks Pedro,
        I added the “battery gesture”, and modified my gesture .aiml as well to get it in account. But I get this error:
        IOError: (2, ‘No such file or directory’, ‘/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/energy_now’)
        So I suspect “energy_now” is in a different directory than yours.

        • upower -i /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/battery_BAT0 if u run this on cmd does it work?
          try use this path, or do a search for BAT0! Btw, change to linux! You will be surprise how much easy it is than windows

          • Thanks Pedro, linux upower software won’t work with Windows (as far as I know). I am searching on the net to use powercfg -energy and powercfg -battery.

            I have been using Linux for years, it is one of the reasons I opened my design.
            Even though, I love Linux, there is still many things that need to be fixed for to have a simple OS working.…[Read more]

            • you are right, and is mooving to know why you choose windows, i all my life used windows but when started with linux have fall in love! I guess the script i put on git will still work if u know the correct path, can u try do search for BAT0 and see if the pc find it, if i can i will try test it n a windows laptop and see how can u configure it! Best luck

  • pedro posted a new activity comment 8 years, 4 months ago

    i have see some things of him yes! Python is a very powerfull tool and very easy to use, i will try to find what u need, my vacations ended so i dont have so much time but if i have time i will do it

  • pedro posted a new activity comment 8 years, 4 months ago

    That should not be very hard, just a python to read the value and execute a mouth.speach with the value in the same python. I can try check when have time! I’m also sending emails and browsing net with inmoov, and setting events on google calendar

    • But where should the python grab the value, that is where I am a bit stuck.
      Great progress with your aiml files! Did you check the aiml’s of Anthony (moz4r)? He also can load pictures on to the screen at request of the user and share data with other InMoov robots.

      • i have see some things of him yes! Python is a very powerfull tool and very easy to use, i will try to find what u need, my vacations ended so i dont have so much time but if i have time i will do it

  • pedro posted a new activity comment 8 years, 4 months ago

    and using MRL myrobotlab.org

  • pedro posted a new activity comment 8 years, 4 months ago

    and im sorry be in portuguese, im basically sending a test message

  • pedro posted an update 8 years, 4 months ago

    im sorry for the very bad filming, maybe someone is interested in send sms from your phone just by talking to inmoov

    • and im sorry be in portuguese, im basically sending a test message

    • and using MRL myrobotlab.org

    • Very nice! I was wondering how to modify my aiml to read the battery level of the pc running InMoov, any idea?

      • That should not be very hard, just a python to read the value and execute a mouth.speach with the value in the same python. I can try check when have time! I’m also sending emails and browsing net with inmoov, and setting events on google calendar

        • But where should the python grab the value, that is where I am a bit stuck.
          Great progress with your aiml files! Did you check the aiml’s of Anthony (moz4r)? He also can load pictures on to the screen at request of the user and share data with other InMoov robots.

          • i have see some things of him yes! Python is a very powerfull tool and very easy to use, i will try to find what u need, my vacations ended so i dont have so much time but if i have time i will do it

  • pedro posted a new activity comment 8 years, 4 months ago

    thanks for the fotos!! really nice

  • pedro posted an update 8 years, 5 months ago

  • pedro posted an update 8 years, 5 months ago

    just teached my inmoov sending emails!! if anyone is interested just pass by in myrobotlab.org to see my post

  • pedro posted a new activity comment 8 years, 5 months ago

    well keep uploading some photos 🙂

  • pedro posted a new activity comment 8 years, 5 months ago

    hello tokio!!! be carefull this is addictive! once u got the finger you wont stop!
    Btw in japan, doesnt exist projects like this?

  • pedro posted an update 8 years, 5 months ago

    hello, this is some photos from the Lisbon MakerFaire 2016,

    4 inmoov creators this time!!!

  • pedro posted a new activity comment 8 years, 6 months ago

    will definitely go!!

  • pedro posted a new activity comment 8 years, 6 months ago

    Aldric, I\’m local from Lisbon if you need anything just say it will be a pleasure to receive the inmoov community in my city!!

  • pedro posted a new activity comment 8 years, 7 months ago

    Flavio, eu acho que o Gael ainda está a acabar uns retoques nas costas antes de pôr!!!

  • pedro posted a new activity comment 8 years, 7 months ago

    Can you tell me where to get the stl for the one unit forearm? mine look a bit stupid as 2 pieces and will probably break

    • as per above I posted above this is 2 pieces and needed to be glued together. Since I use ABS plastic for my prints. Splitting is a real problem for tall thin items which only get worse for really all items. Lower shrinkage plastic – like PLA may work better for a combined part.
      I consider this version a prototype and I have decided to start work…[Read more]

  • pedro posted a new activity comment 8 years, 7 months ago

    aaron did you print he foreharm parts as one? i mean rob2&5 and 3&4?

    • I printed the forearm as two pieces for top and bottom (4 pieces total) and glued together as per instructions. Since I print with ABS plastic , I typically use the acetone glue method, however for the top and bottom of the forearm the mating surfaces don’t have uniform contact so the joint was weak. So after tacking with acetone glue I injected…[Read more]

  • pedro posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago

    Hello all!! Just wanted to greet all of you!! I’m starting to build the inmoov and this promiss to be an interesting journey, specially since im a chemical engineer and have 0 skills on electronics/programming etc!!! Im printing some parts in different types of black to choose one filament in specific (sorry gael i have a secret wish of make a…[Read more]