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andrew posted an update 8 years, 1 month ago
hi i wanted the same adruino like the Gael Langevin but i cant find some one knows where can i find if you dont know than please give a link or somthing for very good and cheap adruino . And i wanted ask abot the where can i buy the same servos what he use or give ling too for very good and cheap i dont like made in china but may I will buy. thank you . Have nice day
Hi I don’t know where you are located so I do nt know the best place for you to buy parts. Gael has a bom section that list the parts. Just search for them. I use Google in the United States.
i am located at United States in New York, Long island , Levittown
Here’s one place you can get everything you need for the electronics for InMoov.
hi may some one give more information i want the best bu not expensive too i wanted the same like he have but may i will not find
Thank you Bob Houston
and Perry