Steve Rayner posted an update 6 years ago
Steve Rayner
Active 1 year, 10 months ago
Join us to watch the premiere of Civrays InMoov episode 49 on Friday the 13th at 18:00 UK, 19:00 Europe, or 13:00 EDT New York time. When we will be building the mid-stomach assembly. View
You must have downloaded the left from Thingiverse.(Some people are confused and do not understand, both bicep are identical)
You only need two times the right version for both arms.
You will notice in the Gallery there is only the right version:
Thanks. This makes sense, both biceps are identical. Maybe I mirrored it myself in slicing software. Anyway it’s wrong. I’m going to throw them both away and print a new one. The correct one has some warping on the bottom and I think I need a good flat bottom to get good adhesion when this part is glued.