JRenta posted an update 5 years ago
Active 1 year, 4 months ago
I am having an issue with the Speech in MRL. MRL seems to respond just fine for the first couple of minutes but then does not respond at all and I have to restart mrl. Refreshing the browser does not help. I think it has something to do with it try to search online for answers and then gets hung – I’m not sure… I’ll add more details later. If […] View
thats awesome!
Super great!
Welcome to Guile!
Thanks, we started in January working on Guile every Sunday for 5 hours. 52*5hours = 260 hours of building time. This time does not include 3D printing time.
Thanks Gael. We named Guile after you.
We are turning him on next week.
Are you working on motorized legs?
Can’t wait for motorized legs. My team will work on that next if you haven’t released any updates.
Hey cute,
Now I have a real clone of myself!
There is progress on the motorized legs, but I am still a long way to go.
Chances are that Vincent (bretzel59) will propose some walking legs before I am finished.
Do you have virtual meetings