jaffa posted an update 5 years ago
Hello everybody
I am a new member here and would like to find out some information. I’m wondering what type of filament is better for this inmoov project. ABS or PLA?
I also want to ask how long it takes to get all the parts printed with a single 3d printer.Thank you in advance.
Active 2 years, 7 months ago
Hello everyone,
here, as I promised, I’m posting you after I’ve reached a level with this phenomenal project. Namely, I presented my robot InMoov to the university and people were delighted (I think I am the first in Croatia who reached that level of production in complete independence in terms of working on the robot itself and financing it […] View
Hello and welcome,
My original InMoov is printed in ABS, but there is very good PLA today that is almost as flexible as the ABS.
Regarding the time to print a complete InMoov torso, arms, hands, head with a single printer is: one month and a half. That is day and night printing with no issues with your parts during printing time.