Rubén Mamani Ch. posted an update 5 years ago
Hello friends, I am thinking of starting to build the InMoov Robot and contribute as a developer.
I have some doubts that are the following:
1) InMoov2 I see that it is in development, the question is InMoov2 will another 3D Models be used, especially different from InMoov?
2) What version of MyrobotLab do you use and which Github repository InMoov or InMoov2?
Greetings from Bolivia…!!!!
Rubén Mamani Ch.
Active 4 years, 7 months ago
Hello friends, I am thinking of starting to build the InMoov Robot and contribute as a developer.
I have some doubts that are the following:
1) InMoov2 I see that it is in development, the question is InMoov2 will another 3D Models be used, especially different from InMoov?
2) What version of MyrobotLab do you use and which Github […] View
Inmoov2 uses that same hardware as Inmoov, it’s purly a service upgrade in MyRobotLab.
All the info you could ever need about the MyRobotLab project can be found at
There you can access all the documentation including how to setup and download the GitHub for the project.
Note that the available InMoov2 full upgrade is here:
The current version on myrobotlab.org doesn’t yet contain all the latest updates compiled together.
Unless you know which repo to use and how to compile with Github.