Alexander Semochkin posted an update 10 years ago
The first tests of the network protocol “Network – RaspberyPi – Arduinos” with Russian voice. The protocol supports multiple Arduinos connected to RaspberyPi.
Alexander Semochkin posted an update 10 years ago
The first tests of the network protocol “Network – RaspberyPi – Arduinos” with Russian voice. The protocol supports multiple Arduinos connected to RaspberyPi.
The protocol supports recording scenarios behavior on raspberi pi too…
Nice! Are you using MyrobotLab for the Arduino control with the Raspberi pi?
We are not using Myrobotlab for various reasons. All software is written by us. When we finish, we plan to put it into Open source.
I see, is it also Python written?
Only java. And C++ on Arduinos
Oh Okay, I got it.