RentaPrinta posted an update 10 years ago
Active 9 years ago
here is the first video of “Hansi” with working Torso and Head View
hello do you use acetone?and what is the material grey in end fingers? thank you amby
Hello Amby,
no i printed in 100% PLA so Acetone not helps me. I use “superglue” or “one-second glue” to fix the parts. But for the Hands i don´t need it because the finger part give in one part:
And the end of the Finger are Gaels Finger tips / tops in Silicon
I hope i could help you!!!
Boris / RentaPrina
hello boris
thank you for answer me
i find your print so nice
have you do a tutorial for explaine how you do
i am very surprising
your hand is like actetone how you do?
thank you amby
Hello Amby,
like i said i printed in 100% PLA and then i polish the printed part. I will make a Tutorial how to print and polish PLA and how to use “superglue” and “primmer-spray”.
Very nice job on the surface finish of your PLA.
A tutorial for other builders on the process to polish the PLA would certainly help.
I’m guessing you do a primer spray with a paint finish, no?