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oldfarmhand posted an update 9 years, 2 months ago
This is Kim looking at her new head this is a combination of monnerby head and bhouston eyes I like the jaw and neck movement of monnerby’s design and the eye movement of bhouston’s design, Thanks to both of them for sharing their files and of course thanks to Gael for all of his help and vision .(note the logo on left shoulder)
Very nice picture, oldfarmhand. It would be really great if you could post a video showing the difference in movement between the nominal and monnerby heads. Barring that, how would describe the difference?
more room in the head due to smaller servos, smoother eye movement,smoother mouth movement, more room to put speakers and microphones, less parts in the neck due to no gears, overall just a lot more room to add other items
Oh, is that all? :^) I’ll have to take a closer look at it as I would like to put an amplifier in there for the ear/speakers.
This site
go to monnerby post on thingiverse and you will see he has a lot of things in his head design.
Hi Kenneth. Really nice to see that you spent the time to reprint the head,and that you like the result.
Hello InMoov Kim!! very nice looking prints!
Thanks ! I don’t know if you noticed but i did add the swivel hip base and I know when the legs are add I will have to remove it but For now I can watch her do the twist
Oh yeah I see it now!