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JP posted an update 11 years ago
Ok to give another update on the Stepper motor derivative. The thing is when a steppermotor moves slow it has more torque than the servo. I lifted 2.5 kilo at slow speed. BUT when you speed up a stepper motor the torque goes down. and that is why the guy of this derivative is not responding 🙂
When i try to match the speed of the servo i can lift left less. The spindel I’ve used was a M12 bolt so the pitch is small. I will now try to use a printed spindel with a bigger pitch to keep the speed of the motor low. I don’t know if this is going to cost me some torque but we’ll see.
We come to some very similar conclusions. The reason I designed the screwthreads for the bicep this way was for to keep speed,torque, and printability. Steppers are heavier also. During the 3D PrintShow Paris, I was approached by a firm that creates stepper motors of all kinds and they should get in contact through mail. I will see what they can propose. I will let you know if there is any news about that.