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Anar posted a new activity comment 11 years, 3 months ago
Oh and I forgot to say I don’t have the Blender files. I do all my modifications of the original STL with SketchUp.
I was not sure if the M8 could fit without showing on the other side (too deep) that’s why I suggested going for M6, but they don’t. So everything is fine…
Done ! I have uploaded the new part on my blog :
I have put the image that illustrate the problem here :
I’m gonna send you the picture by PM.
Yes Balse the design is wrong. I wanted to show it with a picture but if I upload one I just can’t publish my answer (website bug ?).
I can’t figure out how to upload the picture. When I do so the “publish” button disapears…
Anar posted an update 11 years, 3 months ago
Hi balse, I just checked the design and can now see the problem. You are right that a standard M8 nut won’t fit the slots (see picture). I will see if I can modify the design. Unless you may do just like Gael suggested and print the provided bolt and entretoise. If I can’t modify the design for a standard M8 I might change it to a standard…[Read more]
Hei Anar. Why can’t you edit the design to fit a M8 nut??? As of what I have seen of you so far, you have to be one hell of a “modeler” 😉
BTW: Do you have to original Blender files of the inMoov Hand??
Hi balse, yes these slots are for the M8 nuts. Weird yours don’t fit. Try to use some pliers to force them in. By the way I’m proud to say that these slots is my very first improvement to the InMoov project ! @Gael : do you remember ? 8^)
Yes I remember, I made them after your suggestion.
Thanks for the quick response. Here is the thing though: If you are using normal “6 Corner” Nuts, if I’m not mistaking, the geometry is wrong. As I see it the geometry of the Slots are for “8 Corner” Nuts. Not so sure, but am I correct???
The next parts that will be made available as solid CAD data will be the complete hand. Stay tuned !
The following parts are now also available as step and iges : robcap3V1 elbowshaftgearV1 robcap3V1+elbowshaftgearV1 (as single part) RobPart4V3 RobPart5V2
Hi ! I have just uploaded the forearm parts as solid CAD on my blog here for those who might be interested :
STEP and IGES available. More to come…
This is good! I will add it in my next post. Thanks Anar.
cool, il faut que je cree un lien dans les downloads.