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zurczurc posted a new activity comment 4 years, 9 months ago
In the list of modified parts there are my contributions. At the moment the money is tight, but I will see more calmly, I am very good in hardware but not in mechanics.
I understand the mechanics, but are not very good in the cad design. Within the static legs that Gael has created, he has re-used parts from his early prototypes of a motorized version. I would love to see the rest of the parts around the knee for the motorized version as what I have seen so far and the video on YouTube of the testing of the knee…[Read more]
I was thinking more about walking robots the last week or so after seeing a robot elbow design using cables to drive it. I was also looking at how other bipedal animals (Birds, Chickens and Ducks) walk and the distribution of the muscles. It occurs to me, the further up the robot the mass is, the…[Read more]
zurczurc posted an update 4 years, 9 months ago
Bonjour Gael, il y a 2 ans, j’ai construit mon Inmoov et je me suis arrêté avant d’assembler mes jambes, car j’espère qu’un jour les jambes motorisées d’Inmoov seront disponibles. Gael comptez-vous poursuivre le projet Inmoov et terminer les jambes motorisées? Comme je suis chez moi à cause du COVID-19, j’ai l’intention de reprendre le proje…[Read more]
Hello Zurczurc,
The legs are a very difficult part to make. They need to be strong, lightweight and fast. There is also the issue of balance which is also very difficult. Gael has released the static legs and they do hold the robot up. Just a note, in order to achieve the strength required to support the rest of the robot, some of the components…[Read more]