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Beagle posted an update 8 years, 11 months ago
Woo Hoo, I’m in, been having issues with logging in due to my PC’s connection, It’s been a long hall of about 5 months since first starting this project in the form of purchasing a Prusa Mendel I3 kit and building it, only to find many parts missing which I sourced locally after tossing the instructions over my shoulder, unfortunately, in the end I was unsuccessful in finding the firmware, so it is still sitting on the shelf at the moment. So after sourcing a factory build, running printer (I ended up with a de vinci 1.0A which I naturally “adjusted” the cartridge to take external filament). I have, unnaturally, started on the head first, with every intention of starting at the right fingertips, people are very skeptical down here in country Victoria, Australia, so i thought I would give them something different. I have two ears and printed and the Jaw is printing as we speak, with the neck next, I know, I should have started with the neck, but got a little excited! update soon, Sourcing servos too.
Well, I started the project designing a prosthetic hand, it slowly turns to be a robot. So, I say, start with whatever makes you excited and keep up progressing!