
The prints shown are of the "Top Stomach". For the Top Stomach parts, I used filament color White PLA, Yellow ABS, Orange ABS and Red ABS. All 3D printing was done on my FlashForge Creator Pro. 3D printing slicing was done using Simplify3D.

Total PLA hours: 4hrs 3min
Total PLA filament: 26402.7mm (26.4027m)
Total PLA weight (G): 79.39
Total PLA weight (lb): 0.175025
Total PLA Cost: $3.65

Total ABS hours: 50hrs 1min
Total ABS filament: 360502.3mm (360.5023m)
Total ABS weight (G): 1083.89
Total ABS weight (lb): 2.389568
Total ABS Cost: $49.86