Rohmer posted a new activity comment 7 years ago
Thanks You Gaël, but all the credit goes to you.
Rohmer posted a new activity comment 7 years ago
it’s the 10″ touch screen of a T100 Hybrid under Windows 10 that works with TeamViever and an ASRock Processor I3 6100 motherboard on the back of inmoov.
Rohmer posted a new activity comment 7 years ago
thank you, yes, I like the look, it’s still to be applied.
The Pad looks pretty big,,, what size screen and OS is it running ?,,, i have been looking to buy i new one since my last one Bounced across a concrete floor,,,
it’s the 10″ touch screen of a T100 Hybrid under Windows 10 that works with TeamViever and an ASRock Processor I3 6100 motherboard on the back of inmoov.
Wow,,,,, Thanks for the info– that’s some serious hardware your running–,,
Just looked at the Pic you Uploaded,—- Very Impressive,,,,,,Very Impressive indeed ,,,
Rohmer posted an update 7 years ago
Awesome ,,,, I like the “Pad” at the Front,,,, wheres the menu screen so he can go make me a Cheeseburger –.. lol
thank you, yes, I like the look, it’s still to be applied.
The Pad looks pretty big,,, what size screen and OS is it running ?,,, i have been looking to buy i new one since my last one Bounced across a concrete floor,,,
it’s the 10″ touch screen of a T100 Hybrid under Windows 10 that works with TeamViever and an ASRock Processor I3 6100 motherboard on the back of inmoov.
Wow,,,,, Thanks for the info– that’s some serious hardware your running–,,
Just looked at the Pic you Uploaded,—- Very Impressive,,,,,,Very Impressive indeed ,,,
Very nice looking robot!
Thanks You Gaël, but all the credit goes to you.
Rohmer posted an update 7 years ago
Bonjour, si quelqu’un peux me donner la solution concernant l’utilisation de Myrobotlab.1.0.2340 qui à chaque lancement, m’indique une erreur de Framework sous windows 10, photos ci-jointes, je n’arrive pas non plus à avoir un signal sur mes deux cartes arduino gauche et droite avec les commande vocal. Je me sens un peu perdu. Au passage je v…[Read more]
Comme vous aviez egalement pose cette question assez smilaire en message prive, je colle ici la reponse qui vous a permis de debloquer votre probleme. Cela peut servir pour d’autre personne.“Version officielle et fonctionnelle se trouve ici:
Bonjour, si quelqu’un peux me donner la solution concernant l’utilisation de Myrobotlab.1.0.2340 qui à chaque lancement, m’indique une erreur de Framework sous windows 10, photos ci-jointes, je n’arrive pas non plus à avoir un signal sur mes deux cartes arduino gauche et droite avec les commande vocal. Je me sens un peu perdu. Au passage je v…[Read more]– Rohmer (@bruno-rohmer) October 24, 2017
La liste des commandes en Français se trouve dans le…[Read more]
Rohmer posted an update 8 years ago
Rohmer posted an update 9 years ago
Wow,,,,, Thanks for the info– that’s some serious hardware your running–,,
Just looked at the Pic you Uploaded,—- Very Impressive,,,,,,Very Impressive indeed ,,,