Kenneth Lloyd Boller posted an update 5 years ago
printed and assembled my finger started almost a week ago now and still cant get it to move
every tutorial i find is either in french and atleast 5-7 years old…cant find anything recent that i can understand to help me figure out how to do this and im becoming very frustrated with it… :/ anyone available to assist?
Kenneth Lloyd Boller
Active 1 month ago
printed and assembled my finger started almost a week ago now and still cant get it to move
every tutorial i find is either in french and atleast 5-7 years old…cant find anything recent that i can understand to help me figure out how to do this and im becoming very frustrated with it… :/ anyone available to assist? View
The finger starter portion of the project hasn’t changed in 7 years, so the older tutorials should work fine.
This is the best one to folow:
Make sure you have enough power to run the servo, the USB from the computer will NOT have enough power and will cause all sorts of problems.
Use a 6V supply, from a power…[Read more]