• Grove Imagineers posted a new activity comment 7 years ago

    Hi Morten,
    Sorry, I’m running on a Windows 7 pc, the error I’m getting is;
    Error : C:\windows\system32\InMoov\InMoov.py is not available CHECK ABOUT SPACES INSIDE FOLDERS NAME or SPECIAL CHARACTERS
    “c:\mrl” is a great place to start

    • Did you follow the installations instructions for mrl properly, because the Start_Inmoov.bat would be in the c:mrl folder as would the mrl files and not where your fault message is pointing. I suggest you delete and start again following exactly the instructions on the mrl site like this

      Setup software

      Download JAVA 8 -…[Read more]

  • Grove Imagineers's profile was updated 7 years ago

  • Grove Imagineers posted an update 7 years ago

    Hi Everyone, We’ve started with the Inmoov right hand as our very first project for our school STEMlab. We’ve been having a few issues with getting My Robot Lab running, it seems to refuse to open saying we’ve got inmoov.py not available. Does anyone have any advice? We’ve got to show it off to the school governors on Monday afternoon and to have…[Read more]

    • You should probably paste the exact error, and also tell us if you run on a pc, mac or linux ?

      • Hi Morten,
        Sorry, I’m running on a Windows 7 pc, the error I’m getting is;
        Error : C:\windows\system32\InMoov\InMoov.py is not available CHECK ABOUT SPACES INSIDE FOLDERS NAME or SPECIAL CHARACTERS
        “c:\mrl” is a great place to start

        • Did you follow the installations instructions for mrl properly, because the Start_Inmoov.bat would be in the c:mrl folder as would the mrl files and not where your fault message is pointing. I suggest you delete and start again following exactly the instructions on the mrl site like this

          Setup software

          Download JAVA 8 -…[Read more]