• Jan posted an update 8 years, 10 months ago

    And here the video again (First post seems not work on InMoov site)

    • Awesome! Nice progress!
      After testing myself the Oxboard in my workshop, I am amazed how human body can adapt itself to an unbalanced engine in such a short time. By the way thank you for sending it to my workshop!
      I am wondering how InMoov is going to balance itself on that engine though. It seems even more complex when having the robot standing on legs, once you will remove the balancing structure.

      • We’ve already bought an Heading hold gyroscope (as used on model helicopters etc.) and will experiment with it trying to find balance. But I agree, it will probably be difficult to achieve.
        We also want to control both servos with one joystick. I saw already some sample-scripts, so that’s more likely to succeed.
        We will keep you informed.