• JRenta posted an update 4 years, 1 month ago

    Anyone working on their Robot today?

    • Been working it almost every day the last few weeks 🙂

      • Cool. What do you have left to build?

        • Still working on the modified head, Last week I mounted the Raspberry Pi in the head, Friday I release the video on mounting the SMPS for the pi and connecting it to the PCA9685, the week after that is testing and some very basic programming.
          Then i start the walking robot series I hope.
          Where i plan to motorize the legs, this will not be an easy task.

          • Hi. Its been a long absence because of covid. I’m back and will continue.
            I have to reprint one of the pistonanticlock screws that go into the arm because the old one was angled a little. Then I plan to connect a Pi to the head and replace both arduinos with something that can handle multithreading. What about you?

            • I’m re-building the upper torso and shoulders.
              My old printer was not well calibrated and I had a lot of dimensional inaccuracies.
              With my newer printer, it’s now accurate, and since the stand for Fred’s new head is not that good, I’m using the upper torso as a stand 🙂