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Mindless posted an update 7 years, 2 months ago
Start of a New Mod on Bob/Alans 3 Stage Neck System– I want to be Able to Print or Make the Ball for the Ends separately ,, this is a Mod iv wanted to do for a while (not sure how it will turn out) — has anyone else out there replaced the Printed Ballends with a Tie Rod or Ball Joint –?
I Tried, but the Ball joint was very limited in it’s movement, so I reverted to using 3D printed parts.
Cool,, thanks for the info– i thought a Ball Joint might be a bit to limited but wasn’t sure – ,, i will stick with designing some different 3d printed parts and see how that goes,,, Cheers Mats
It’s important to have screws that go all the way through the ball because they are much too fragile. I had to glue them with acetone a few times already due to travelling. If I would do something in redesigning this, I would over dimension those balls and their axes.
Yep,, I agree Mr Gael- ,, I was playing around with them last night and the Endballs are 12mm Día with a 7mm Día shaft which is just too small– –
I’ll start by printing a series a of Endballs and shafts at different sizes – but I think 18mm or 20mm will be a good size but won’t know for sure until I start printing tonight ,, I know a few tricks using the Scale Tool that can save a lot of work on the 3d cad side of things,,, so hopefully that will work on this Mod-,,, and that will just leave a fair bit of simple hand stitching to do,,,
Mine actually made themselves two parts after a couple of days use. No CAD needed. I wanted to preserve the original geometry because it offers about the right range of travel. So I glued them back on and instead of a short bolt I thru-drilled the hole and placed a much longer bolt through it. The bolt passes through the neck and into the reinforcing tab that keeps the ball in place. So that is reinforced too. Next time I print I will print them separate as in your CAD. I bet you can get the best resolution and quality on them that way. Then glue them on. Then put the long bolt through.
That was the original plan just to get a better resolution on the Ballends by printing them separately – but while I’m at it and Mr Gael makes a good point they really are to small and fragile for a major movement system,,,so I will build a Larger version of the Endballs so people have the option to pick and choose –,, Like always I’m a little bit worried about the “Knock On Effect” which can pop its ugly little head up anywhere at anytime when doing Mod work,,,
I still contend that it would be good to keep them small to simulate a ball joint and add the required strength but adding the bolt, which is already necessary to mount the pistons. Build a lot of strenghte with a LOT of plastic or a little metal. This is one of the more heavily stressed joints on the bot I am sure either would work fine.
Gael’s design is completely unique because it does not require metal. All I am saying is that I am not pure and this is one of the few areas that metal solves a few problems.
Just been taking a real close look at the design,- the Receivers Cups are actually a bit oversized for the Ballends (or made strong depend on your point of view) so that’s a bonus ,,, – the appearance won’t change very much at all,,, Just finished I couple test prints of different sized Ballends,,,, and what a differences a couple of Millimetres in Día Make,-,(and I mean only a couple,) I Completely agree with you Perry to keep same size Ballends in services and I will make and release the Same Size Version of the Current 12mm Ballends so there Plug&Play with the Current Receiver Cups,, ( after all who the hell would want re-print the entire system),,– But I will be making a larger Ballend version,,,,, I just cant help myself when it comes to butchering other people’s work,,,,,,lol