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Simon Cartlidge posted an update 7 years ago
Just getting started out, I’m really looking forward to the whole adventure of building this, I have been teasing my 17 year old son that I’m building a replacement son for when he leaves Home.
I’m just having a bit of a problem with where to fit the extra servo for the articulated thumb, I can’t find a rob part for the arm with the extra 4 holes in. Can anyone help me find the file or tell me where I’m supposed to drill. Thanks.
Hay Simon ,,,Last time a looked at the articulated thumb by Anar it is just a manual adjuster with no Servo based movement,,,,
Thanks Mindless, it was just looking through Gael’s instructions for the forearm build, he seemed to have 4 holes in the side which you have to redrill and put the bushings from the servo in. All the files I’ve found so far don’t seem to have those 4 holes and I don’t know where to put them.
Hay your right they did get the extra Servo hooked and-up working by the looks of it,,, but i have No idea on using it,,, -I’m still a primate when comes to certain stuff,,,,, and the control mechcanizime for the fingers is one of them ,,,,, sorry dude
You have to make a choice, either you use an extra servo for thumb or you set the spring tensioner. Both are to be set at the same location. Personaly I was never thrilled about that extra thumb actuation, because the demonstration videos I had seen didn’t convince me. But regardless, you can still attach the servo, there is holes to set three screws.
Thanks Gael, it’s great to have your personal input, this is such an incredible project. I think I’ll take your advice and stick to the original design, I wasn’t happy with the way that thumb joint printed anyway. Do you have any suggestions as to where to source the springs? I’m having a real problem trying to find any. Also, what is their outer diameter? Thanks so much.
Hello Simon, In the Hardware and BOM page:
Default Hardware Map + BOM
10x extension spring 0.51mm diameter, 1cm length(13/64″x13/16″) You can find boxes on eBay for exemple: