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pierluigi posted an update 9 years, 2 months ago
Hey guys , I’d like receiving advices to buy a suitable cost/performances 3D printer for my “creature”. Please could you comfirm that 3d printer 12x12x12is sufficient?, and if you prefer abs or pla for this project. do you know if it is convenient to give the “stl” to a printer farm/laboratory to realise the pieces compared to buy a 3D printer to do that? thanks in advance
Hello Pierluigi, The 12x12x12cm is the minimum required, but I would recommand a larger print bed, because some parts are precisely 12×12 and your printer might “hit the edges” if not bigger. ABS is my material of use, but there countless InMoov printed in PLA out there. some PLA have now almost the same robustness as ABS. You will be better off getting your own printer for this project. The time required to print InMoov is long, very long, the cost in a farm would be much higher than a printer. Think of having your own printer will give you the ability to create other things as well.
Many Thanks Gael for your support!
You are welcome!