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Sebastien posted an update 9 years, 3 months ago
Stomach in progress this week, ouch the most difficult is to paint the finger in black 🙂
Cool after working on the website , a bit of fun 3D printing! was there the script in my database for the NeoPixel ring, I can’t remember if I have uploaded it on the site? If not let me know and I will.
Hi Gaël, yes my 3d printer feel a bit alone these last weeks :-). I restart printing for finish InMoov asap I use the arduino script you post here
NeoPixel ring : arduino code for stomach
, it works perfecly. thanks (Just need to install the adafruit library) I don’t check if MyRobotLab already have added the NeoPixelRing service ?
Good! Well, no the NeoPixel Ring is not yet implemented in MRL. It actually means, it needs to run on a seperate Arduino dedicated only for that function.
hello what is the model for the stomach NeoPixel Ring it’s 12, 16 or 24 led?
Martin, It’s the 16 led ring ref. Adafruit Flora Neopixel Ring 1463