• Ray Edgley posted an update 3 years ago

    In this video Part 3 of Fred’s Brain, we continue looking at MyRobotLab and how we use the services to setup and control Fred.

    • I really enjoy watching your videos Ray. The way you explain things is great. However I have a confession. I have gone over to the “dark side” that is ARC. I am now running EZ-B controllers and find the ARC software much more intuitive and simpler to work with. I have modified the Nervo Board to suit the new setup.
      Keep up the good work. Warren

      • In the world of robotics, there is no dark side, unless you plan to have your robots destroy other robots ect.
        There is only different 🙂

        In any case, keep on building and posting your progress 🙂

        • He won’t be destroying other robots. His main role is to teach my students about Robotics and AI. His secondary role will be to help teach kids sign language. The second part is not proving straightforward but, I enjoy a challenge. 😉

          • I do remember seeing another design of hand created for the Inmoov robot by a builder that allowed side to side motion of some of the fingers.
            It was posted on Thingiverse.
            It does require more servos 🙂