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Sébastien B 45 posted an update 3 years, 3 months ago
Bonjour, j’arrive pas à installer le driver pour les clone arduino CH340 avez-vous une procédure pour rasberry pi (Buster) Merci d’avance
The driver comes installed as standard on the Raspbian OS. Either your OS has been corrupted, in which case you might be better off restoring a backup or making a fresh install. Or The USB chip on your Arduino Clone is bad 🙁
Thanks Rey Edgley, I found in the mayrobotlab startup that it was necessary to put /dev/ ttyUSB0 and the mine is working with /dev/ttyAcm0.
Another problem with Raspberry the camera is not visible in OpenCV can you give me an advice or an installation procedure…. Thanks
What version of MRL are you using? I found OpenCV only works on the Raspberry Pi with Nixie versions
Hello, the inmoov version is Manticore 1.0.2693 recommend, for the Nixie version where I can find an installation tutorial. thank you for your quick reply If you look at the left op, you will find Build Passing Below that is latest and a version number. You can down load the most recent version from that link. 🙂
Thanks Ray Edgley, I’ll see.